opt out造句31 The cracks in the moral edifice are visibly growing: people are beginning to opt out of its orthodoxies.
32 Schools and housing associations can opt out of local authority control.
33 You can argue about the single currency but you can't opt out of the European Single Market.
34 Also, any programme should allow people to opt out if they wish.
35 Q. How do I opt out of communications?
36 You cannot opt out of society.
37 Publishers and authors can opt out of the programme.
38 Google lets users opt out of its tracking mechanism.
39 Just to clarify , you still intend to opt out?
40 Will individual schools be given the right to opt out of the local school authority?
41 To opt out of direct marketing mail and telephone lists.
42 Today there is a tendency for people to opt out of social activity.
43 LONDON (Reuters) Jul 17 - Everyone should be treated as a potential organ donor unless they explicitly ask to opt out of the system, the chief medical officer said on Tuesday.
44 It is hard to condemn those who opt out of parenthood.
45 Some students choosing to opt out feel we should be kinder to our web-footed friends.
46 Under the new state rule, pharmacists with personal objections to a drug can opt out by getting a co-worker to fill an order.
47 Federal allows you to opt out of this information sale by school.
48 It may be a smart choice to opt out of having an escrow account on your home loan because it's non-interest-bearing.
49 If you don't like our firm's insurance plan, you may opt out.
50 And Liu is one of millions who have decided to opt out.
51 LONDON (Reuters) - Everyone should be treated as a potential organ donor unless they explicitly ask to opt out of the system, the chief medical officer said on Tuesday.
52 Similarly,[http:///opt out.html] no one should read into a decision to opt out.
53 You can always opt out of this email subscription at any time.
54 Individuals would be allowed to "opt out", or decide not to be an organ donor, if that's what they prefer.
55 Mickelson used his first opt out earlier this year at the Arnold Palmer Invitational and instead had dinner with a handful of corporate clients.
56 The disastrous abolition of the educational maintenance allowance will make many wrongly opt out altogether.
57 So, what are the force in Jiancang even opt out of it?
58 To opt out at the critical moment would be quite indefensible.