waters造句181. Or fighting through the waters of a ruptured bulkhead to close the breach with his own body.
182. Inside the reef, on calmer waters, the boy gratefully nodded off to sleep, exhausted by his ordeal.
183. Nor can the living coelacanth suggest an answer, for today it never leaves its deep waters.
184. It seems most likely that the breeding stock is becoming resident on its breeding waters.
185. A tidal wave, coming from the depths of the waters, shook those coasts violently while the burial was going on.
186. Gordon finally roused himself and tried to steer the conversation toward shallower waters.
187. The Dead Sea waters contain a high concentration of salts composed of potassium, bromine and magnesium as well as other minerals.
188. Yellow-brown leaves spun downwards from high branches, and the calm estuary waters could be seen below, from between the trees.
189. All Navy SEALs begin their commando careers on the beach and in the waters at the base.
190. In the distance below, the three lakes Shimmered - the wind carved its many names On the face of the waters.
191. He'd sailed these waters for six months and knew every reef and coral head shallow enough to be a threat.
192. Residents were evacuated from the town as the waters rose and the Ouse threatened to burst its banks.
193. It has bushy cliffs on both sides that lean like hairy ghosts over the unknown waters.
194. The hook type do not work in the soft silt of most coarse fish waters.
195. We climbed clumsily past Lake Samiti, its dark waters reflecting peaks already shining in their early dawn.
196. He also taught girls to swim in the calm waters of the Swider River..com
197. Most of these species of wrasse are commonly seen by divers in shallow coastal waters.
198. In February 1997, the dam's gates reportedly came close to failure under the pressure of fast-rising flood waters.
199. Anyone who has paddled in the shallow waters of the Arahura river will understand how such a concept arose.
200. In a test last year, tasters preferred London tap water to bottled mineral waters.
201. Make a kind of grand tour on my own, take the waters and cure what ails me.
202. It's all hands across the waters and let's be buddies.
203. The waters of baptism represent the presence and power of that primeval deep for us.
204. Medved muddies the waters by treating cinema, television and pop more or less as a single entity.
205. Some of this was done no doubt to keep control in choppy political waters.
206. Here seals may be seen bobbing in the calm waters.
207. Amazon and others World-wide examples of these brackish waters abound.
208. Those waters where the missiles are landing are where us small fishermen often go to fish.
209. The plant is sensitive to alkaline conditions and prefers cool waters but temporarily withstands higher temperatures.
210. In some waters they are extremely hard to catch, in others the are ridiculously easy.