except that造句121. While mid-wave antenna is mostly iron tower antenna, we do not use directional antenna except that we need special service in special area.
122. I responded to him that I wouldn't mind in the least, except that the Standish Group refuses to divulge the acronym's meaning.
123. Except that, the power transmission line obstacles feature and several modern mechanical design methods are introduced in the paper.
124. The results indicated that all of the samples were diploidy except that there were 23 triploid materials in the white mulberry and that the drug mulberry were 22-ploidy.
125. This would not be a problem in most circumstances, except that the operating system must make sure that there is always some pageable memory available to other applications.
126. They believed the dead soul entered a world similar to ours except that there is no death.
127. I decided to conduct my own experiment, running two miles every day to get a cinnamon roll, except that I didn't do any actual running because I don't like it.
128. Once an enterprise ascertains the method of depreciation of the fixed asset, it shall not change it randomly, except that the provisions of Article 19 of these Standards are meet.
129. The localized abacterial pustulosis may be an independent disease except that pustular psoriasis of the palms and soles may be regarded as a localized type of pustular psoriasis .
130. Once an enterprise decides the useful life or expected net salvage value of the fixed asset, it shall not change it randomly except that the provisions of Article 19 of these Standards are meet.
131. The full-depth method, which is similar to the transverse method except that the grinding allowance is removed in a single pass.
132. Except that in Latin a ship's prow was called a rostrum and the plural of rostrum was rostra so they called the speaking platform rostra.
133. Except that the glutenin and albumin in Huaimai 17 had some increase, the globulin and gliadin in Huaimai 17 and all protein components in Yangmai 12 were decreased under WL.
134. On its head it wore a gaudy rufous crown. In structure, Anchiornis's plumes were nearly identical to flight feathers, except that they were symmetrical rather than asymmetrical.
135. Fiat money has not only no particular value in use, it doesn't even really hxdye a value in exchange except that which is decreed that it would hxdye.
136. This painting photographed at West Berlin's Kaltenburg Palace is very similar to a Watteau Chinoiserie engraving of 1719, except that the woman is holding a fan instead of an umbrella.
137. As Good as It Gets had a similar dramatis personae, except that the easygoing guy was gay.
138. It's kind of a dorm room except that there are no gender restrictions.
139. It's a country I know virtually nothing about, except that it is the birthplace of Joseph Stalin, and both Ray Charles and Gladys Knight have sung its praises.
140. A crowd of eager and curious schoolboys, understanding little of the matter in hand, except that it gave them a half-holiday.
141. The very phrases were worn so threadbare that they evoked no image except that of a turbaned "character. " leaking sawdust at every pore as he pursued a tiger through the Bois de Boulogne.
142. Yes. A burning zone still functions normally except that it cannot be assigned damage.
143. The grammar uses the same EBNF notation as [ XML ] ( except that grammar symbols initial capital letters ) .
144. There is nothing particular about the knocker on the door,[http:///except that.html] except that it is very large.
145. Warehouse mixing is similar to the break bulk process except that several different manufacturer shipments may be involved.
146. Well, except that sometimes, when I really need a quick, fast snack that I can eat on the run, I toast a whole-wheat pita pocket and eat that.
147. Results 21 cases being not recurrent except that 1 case who was recurrent with 79 years old, pneumonectasis and prostatause hernia, which is satis factory.
148. After getting the labor insurance, the employee will get relevant legal rights, except that, the employee should not ask additional allowance from the company.
149. An enigmatical personage, about whom little was known, except that he was a polished man of the world.
150. Mocha is aa hot chocolate except that a shot of Espresso is added.