locally造句181. On Christmas Day Bill's family, who live locally, came for the dinner.
182. The church gates of locally grown oak were fashioned by a local craftsman.
183. This conversion was a benchmark for the conservation movement both locally and nationally.
184. According to agent Bill Hamilton, the decision to keep the campaign low key was taken locally.
185. There were many types of chamber kiln including the Batchelor Kiln which was used locally.
186. I started attending auction sales both locally and in London and gradually got the melin into shape for letting.
187. However, many exporters import the materials and components used in their exported goods rather than buy them locally.
188. After the blisters have broken dress locally with Calendula tincture.
189. Locally it needs to be done to as near a professional standard as possible.
190. There is also the consideration that she seems to be flirting with the possibility of committing herself to re-entering mainstream education locally.
191. This leaves a balance which then has to be financed through locally levied rates.
192. Only since 1960 have we possessed the technology to test the prediction locally.
193. Since this encouragement was not accompanied by subsidy from central government, the outcome was locally various.
194. The limitations of what is available for you locally can also be part of this pain.
195. In Fig. 11-10 the D curve is the demand curve of the median voter for the locally provided good.
196. Fred Walker, who still lives locally, will also retire as chairman.
197. Despite competition from shops offering antiques and locally crafted furniture, Fox's Lair came in for the bulk of the publicity.
198. In the ensuing confusion the Catholic community locally and nationally saw this as an abnegation of the 1944 Education Act.
199. Dinner makes excellent use of fresh locally grown and home produce; fresh eggs, fruit and meat all feature.
200. This locally produced album features simple arrangements of traditional and original Christmas songs.
201. A directory of staff development resources that would be locally available to teachers is planned.
202. Patients - 40 previously untreated patients with histologically confirmed, measurable colorectal cancer that was locally recurrent or metastatic.
203. The site will usually be widely advertised locally, although a particularly valuable or large site will be advertised nationally.
204. All voters' hands will be dyed with indelible ink, and both the vote and the count will be conducted locally.
205. But hare and even the odd gazelle were available locally.
206. A delicate oriental nurse washed my feet with antiseptic and chatted while the locally injected anaesthetic took effect.
207. Prices of fish, eggs, chicken and other locally produced staples are low.
208. Thus, grass grows asexual runners to propagate locally but commits its sexually produced seeds to the wind to travel farther.
209. These variables are only known locally to the defining procedure or function.
210. The viaduct was built by Thomas Brassey to a design by Lewis Cubbitt, using locally made bricks, in 1848-50.