快好知 kuaihz

61 Link of main practicality education: Include curricular exercitation, graduation field trip , general arrangement 10 - - 12 weeks. 62 In the study of Intelligent Tutoring System (ITS), knowledge base system is viewed as a choke point that restricts its effectiveness and practicality. 63 This paper designs CAPP of rectangle spline broach in detail in order to realize its advantages and practicality. 64 It's structure is given by the recurrence formula, which is simple and strong practicality. 65 For those who love practicality mixed with modernism or even for those who live in tight spaces, the geniuses at Bonbon have a treat for you! 66 Against other styles, TKD is the least effective in practicality! 67 The result showed that the prediction passed the accuracy test with validity and practicality. 68 The tests will examine the alcohol-detection reliability and the functionality and practicality of the breathalyser in standard daily-operating vehicles. 69 Meanwhile, the clock system also a power consumption and low cost features, has a strong practicality. 70 In the practicality, the paper provides two matching rule idea of choosing appropriate rules. 71 The practicality of achieving this has, of course, not been considered, let alone the desirability. 72 An imitated chemical fiber alpaca yarn was developed to keep up with vogue and meet practicality. 73 Connecting to notebook PC, it can make movable online fault diagnosis and analysis and process, so it has upper value of practicality and popularization. 74 Beauty, cheapness and practicality are my three principles when buying things. 75 As our tenet says, "Develop with Quality, live on Honesty", we always focus on delicate appearance, proved quality and practicality and decorativeness. 76 The mans need has practicality, consciousness , limitless enrichment and social historicity, etc. 77 Presents design of power parameter monitor system in software, and emphatically discusses software's methods to these problems about how to achieve its producibility and practicality. 78 Compared with conventional electric relay control system, PLC control can run more safely and reliably, and can be operated more practicality, simply and conveniently. 79 Hongmu furniture inherits Ming and Qing Dynastiesfurniture style. The description is given in regard of itsartistry, valuableness and practicality. 80 The mathematics experiment is one kind of late-model, open type teaching way, which has the very strong pertinence and practicality. 81 According to the analysis on test data, achieved the stationary characteristic and dynamic output characteristic, established the foundation on practicality research for PEMFC generator. 82 The battery and charger and other relevant data, please refer to practicality. 83 The emphasis in discussing technology is firmly on maturity, practicality, operational efficiency, enterprise scalability, business continuity, international scope, and regulatory considerations. 84 According to the engineering practice, the arithmetic of edge check can decrease the supposititious edge pairs and image noise, and has high precision and practicality. 85 Objective To investigate the methylene blue staining exploration ischial rectal abscess in the mouth of practicality and safety. 86 The aim of accounting also becomes assets valuation instead of income determination. It requires a logical theory to resolve practicality of GAS in as... 87 Prose in the Northern Dynasty has two bright characters, which are not only homeliness and vigorousness of the style but also it's practicality. 88 The result of thermograph series of material surface with bottom flat hole verifies the correct of the model. It proves that this approach has high practicality for engineering. 89 The goal of the pilot is to allow FDA to determine the practicality of developing a secure supply chain program. 90 The meaning of life reflects teacher professional development as wholeness, purposefulness, practicality and transcendence, each of which requires teachers have specific methods and strategies.