快好知 kuaihz

1. The cicada is shelling. 2. Things are bad enough without our own guns shelling us. 3. Shelling of enemy lines continued all day. 4. She ended up shelling out for two rooms. 5. Whole neighbourhoods have been squashed flat by shelling. 6. We suffered weeks of heavy shelling. 7. Just as they were leaving the rebels started shelling. 8. Out on the streets, the shelling continued. 9. The army has been shelling the town since yesterday. 10. Josie was shelling peas in the kitchen. 11. The UN has suspended relief flights because of shelling around the airport. 12. Shelling from federal army tanks razed half the houses in the Croat-populated part of Glina. 13. Their unit was shelling the German lines only seven miles away. 14. The city's defences had been weakened by enemy shelling. 15. British warships began shelling German positions along the coast. 16. Having a baby? Like shelling peas! 17. Shooting and shelling erupt sporadically from both sides. 18. When the shelling and mortaring ceased, Taff and I got out of the trenches. 19. The shelling was resumed, and the machine gun finally knocked out by a heavy shell. 20. And the possibility of further shelling was anything but remote in those days. 21. On March 13 heavy shelling was resumed, following a warning from Aoun that mediation efforts had made no progress. 22. The shelling started despite promises by Yugoslav army generals not to attack. 23. The shelling continued until about midnight, then suddenly it stopped. 24. Five days and four nights subjected to shelling and mortaring and the ever-present sniping. 25. Further shelling had caused casualties in the trench and had destroyed the parapet over a length of fifty yards. 26. It was midnight and the mortaring and shelling had started about 11 p.m. 27. They were cowering in the cellars, trapped by the shelling. 28. At 21 months, little Mirza is the youngest to be brought here from the mortar attacks and shelling around Sarajevo. 29. The security forces have been ordered to strike only after being struck, and shelling across the border has declined. 30. We are peeling potatoes, forming tiny meatballs, browning chicken, shelling peas.