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physical fitness造句
1. Physical fitness is having a healthy body. 2. Running marathons requires a high level of physical fitness . 3. OK everybody, today we're going to do a physical fitness test, which will soon sort out the men from the boys! 4. Regular exercise helps to maintain physical fitness. 5. He was obsessed with physical fitness . 6. Physical fitness is having a strong healthy body. 6. Wish you will loveand make progress everyday! 7. He aced every physical fitness test they gave him. 8. Good muscles are one of the prerequisites of physical fitness. 9. You need a good level of physical fitness for this sport. 10. Nupa emphasized physical fitness and organized discipline. 11. Or work on your physical fitness? 12. Disciplines such as yoga improve mental and physical fitness. 13. They will have to do a lot of physical fitness training. 14. Stamina, flexibility, sharp reflexes and general physical fitness are required to perform the fighting movements with ease. 15. Then there was the small matter of my physical fitness. 16. Physical fitness also provides considerable protection against stress and the illnesses it can cause. 17. Nearby stood the gymnasium, where physical fitness was combined with intellectual discourse. 18. Physical fitness is today's hot topic. 19. But no recent training, physical fitness and hand problems. 20. The nationwide physical fitness campaign was carried forward. 21. Geneticists believe that man's physical fitness has been degraded. 22. Completing the race is not just a simple matter of physical fitness. 23. This is the most efficient way to build up and maintain a reasonable level of physical fitness. 24. Teeth Dental health is an important ingredient of total physical fitness. 25. I began running about a month ago to improve my physical fitness. 26. Nearly three quarters of the women surveyed said they were satisfied with their physical fitness. 27. Too many hours in front of the computer screen can destroy physical fitness. 28. Once we started trekking we soon discovered that mental attitude and camaraderie were far more important than physical fitness. 29. Since then he has fulfilled many ambitions, learned new skills and tested his courage and physical fitness to the limit. 30. A surge of participation in evening classes and sports is as much about a search for companionship as mental and physical fitness.