快好知 kuaihz

(1) The ITV licensee lost its franchise to Carlton TV. (2) Advances was publicly identified as the licensee for mifepristone. (3) No licensee may sell liquor without a licence; to do so is a criminal offence. 2. (4) Microport thinks it is the first Unix Labs licensee to make the compiler available in shrinkwrapped form. (5) Where the licensee holds a residential or restaurant licence it can lead to disqualification of the licensee. (6) We'd clear them out for the licensee if he was having trouble. (7) Proof of identity of both the licensee and transferee. (8) One software licensee inadvertently neglected to en crypt the " key " that unlocks DVD movie disks. (9) While licensee pays the license fee but obtains the right to implement the patent. (10) As the licenser and licensee, the legal subjects in the copyright license contracts under the network environment have new characters. (11) As the licensee, it is your responsibility ensure that these violations have been rectified. (12) Licensor desires to grant to the licensee for agreed sum of money as provided herein, and Licensee desires to obtain from Licensor, non-assignable, geographically restrictive license. (13) Licensee shall keep the Licensed Materials free and clear of all claims, liens and encumbrances. (14) Our company as the licensee the MM 2 H programme, can as the sponsor. (15) Licensee: A person, company, etc. to a license is granted. (16) The transferee must be an existing licensee of the same fish culture zone as the applicant. (17) Thanks to the licensee. (18) Male speaker It's been very worthwhile and enjoyable being the licensee. (19) Phillip Jennings Turf Farms has signed on as the first licensee grower of Platinum TE and the exclusive distributor for international orders. (20) For example, a licensor could ask for reciprocity -- that a licensee must provide the software according to the same terms it agreed to -- and still remain open source software. (21) Also, patent, trademarks laws can often be used to bar unauthorized sales by foreign licensee, provided that the licenser has valid patent, trademark, or copyright protection. (22) A guarantee expiration certificate shall be signed by the authorized representative of Licensee at its expiration and submitted to Licensor. (23) The result of a material breach of the license by the licensee. (24) All these intentions are affirmative; none prevents the licensor or licensee from imposing additional terms. (25) Maintain facilities and competently trained personnel sufficient to carry out your obligations a Licensee. (26) All these intentions are affirmative and hardly bar the licensor or licensee from imposing additional terms. (27) All of the capital investment is made by the licensee. (28) The Appeal Tribunal has reversed the Disciplinary Committee's decision on the licensee. (29) Should any Improvement be made by Licensor on Know-how within the validity period of Contract, Licensor shall grant Licensee a non-exclusive license to exploit such Improvement free of charge. (30) Where they concern an obvious defect, the claim shall be made in writing without delay and at the latest within one month of delivery of the product to the Licensee.