快好知 kuaihz

1. Their illnesses are attributable to a poor diet. 2. Is this painting attributable to Michelangelo? 3. Death was attributable to gunshot wounds. 4. Do you think that these higher-than-average temperatures are attributable to global warming? 5. The product's success cannot be attributable solely to the ads. 6. Almost all the rise was attributable to the banlieues. 7. As a result, attributable profits are trimmed to £1.33m. 8. This is directly attributable to this major new installation. 9. This figure was directly attributable to better package management. 10. This is only partly attributable to technological improvements. 11. Are most significant social changes directly attributable to violence? 12. The reducing properties of monosaccharides are attributable to the presence of a free aldehyde or ketone group. 13. The price increase is attributable to a rise in the cost of paper. 14. Some of these were directly attributable to her personally, others to her campaign team. 15. The high frequency of cases of diarrhoea is attributable to poor food hygiene. 16. This high level of growth is largely attributable to the current extremely low level of industrialisation. 17. But its influence is attributable to more than its accessibility. 18. The illness of Miller is directly attributable to his conduct. 19. Studies show a disproportionately high amount of crime attributable to kids born after long, difficult labors with forceps deliveries. 20. Shareholders' funds should be analysed between amounts attributable to equity interests and non-equity interests. 21. The profit for the year attributable to ordinary shareholders amounted to £20,618,000. 22. This is partly attributable to the increased opportunity for away travel which has increased the contact between rival groups of supporters. 23. It is not officially known whether this is attributable to the greenhouse effect or natural climate variability. 24. 10,000 deaths a year from chronic lung disease are attributable to smoking. 25. I could mention the names of several persons whose influence over their flocks was solely attributable to this circumstance. 26. This suggests that critical evaluation has point where the object in question is attributable to some person or group of persons. 27. Some of the changes are the result of afforestation and reservoir construction so that not every change is attributable to agricultural development. 28. Purchasers may buy clinical care but will not want to pay the extra costs attributable to research. 29. The adverse reactions experienced by the patient reported on may therefore be attributable to the drug regimen and not solely to dexamethasone. 30. Answer guide: Marginal costing only includes costs that are directly attributable to products.