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61 Objective To discuss clinical outcomes of the surgical treatment of early ischemic contracture in the forearm. 62 Conclusion Myofibroblast is the main cause to result in scar contracture of bilioenteric anastomosis. 63 Objective To compare effect of fasciotomy for Volkmann contracture of the forearm immediately and neurolysis for Volkmann contracture of the forearm at 1 week, 4 weeks and 12 weeks in the models. 64 Results: The ischemic contracture, cubitus varus and anchylosis did not occurred in all the patients followed more than 2 years. 65 Objective To provide ideal materials for cervical burn contracture repair through a morphological study of free flaps of the scapular region. 66 Objective: To evaluate the application of skin graft with subdermal vascular net in the repair of scar contracture deformity. 67 Objective : To study the repair surgery treatment axillary burn scar contracture. 68 Fasciotomy is necessary and useful to prevent the ischemic contracture. 69 Objective To study the peripatellar retinaculum contracture in the treatment of knee extension stiffness. 70 Objective To research the effect of free latissimus dorsi flap on repairing scar contracture of face neck after burn. 71 Conclusions Muscle sliding operation was effective management for Volkmann ischemic contracture, and the skeletal operation or neurolysis could managed for the complex type in the meantime. 72 Results and Conclusion:1 5MAC halothane significantly depressed, but 1 5MAC isoflurane had no depressive effect on the myocardial contracture of isolated rat hearts. 73 The contracture and operating principle in addition to design point were discussed in detail. 74 Objective: to discuss the clinical nursing of gluteus muscle contracture. 75 Objective: To investigate into the operation way, clinical classification, postoperative function exercise of gluteal muscles contracture. 76 Objective: To prevent and remedy symptoms of paralysis such as contracture of joints and stiff limbs, to increase the recovery rate of cerebral apoplexy and to decrease the rate of incapacitation. 77 Objective : To discuss the treatment and prevention of bladder neck contracture ( BNC ) by transurethral resection of prostate ( TURP ). 78 Type: contracture of adductors pollicis without thumb web skin contracture. 79 Results Among the 84 cases of gluteal contracture with the pelvis obliquity, 76(90% ) cases had gluteal muscle contracture of the longer limp. 80 Objective To investigate the operative effects of gluteal muscle contracture. 81 This was true whether applied to a congenital defect, such as syndactyly , or an acquired defect, such as a burn contracture. 82 Contracture occurs when the efflux of calcium is prevented by removing the extracellular sodium. 83 Conclusion The preexpanded superficial cervical artery skin flap has many advantages, and it is particularly suitable for reconstruction of severe cervical contracture after extensive burns.