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full name造句
31. The World Bank's full name is the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development. 32. Full set of original clean "on board", marine bills of lading made out to the order of shipper, endorsed in blank, marked "freight collect", and"notify applicant with full name and address. 33. Hans: Now, let me just check a few things . Your full name is Antony Austin, right? 34. I hope you call my full name : Da Mansi. 35. Your letter is to include the full name and address of your target company. 36. The full name of Africaafrica Island, the south - east the eastern hemisphere the mainland across the equator. 37. My full name is Anwar Fatihelrahman Ahmed Dafa-Alla. I was born in Port Sudan, Sudan on January 23, 1978, and got my early education there. 38. If a bar in the breakdown view is too short to see its full name, just select it and refer to the name in the prompt message box or the left-side table that's highlighted. 39. In any event, however you select the module, its full name is automatically aliased to the short name for the rest of your lexical scope. 40. My full name is Anwar Fatihelrahman Ahmed Dafa-Alla. I was born in Port Sudan, Sudan on January 23, 1978, and got my early education there. Graduated from the AASTMT as a Computer Engineer in 2003. 41. Its full name is the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. 42. Also ask you to notice additionally, the phoneticize full name that you fill in must agree with the Chinese full name in account, otherwise we cannot pay possibly to you. 43. The full name of the SNMP is the Simple Network Management Protocol. 44. Aids is a very terrible disease and focused on by more and more people in modern times. Its full name is Acquired Immure Deficiency Syndrome, which is caused by immunodeficiency virus. 45. For convenient and broad hair mercer takes a money smoothly, we inform you gladly, you can revise phoneticize full name directly in account now! 46. Tip: The tab for the active file in the editor is blue, and if you hover the mouse over the blue area, then the full name of the file, com.mycompany.lpexExtensions/plugin.xml, will be displayed. 47. The results show that: The new Rack-Clutch Engine is composed with the power unit, which has the full name of Opposed Piston Engine with"Rack-Over Running Clutch"Mechanism. 48. A test's full name consists of its containing test case and its individual name. 49. Bartholdi fashioned the statue — whose full name is “Liberty Enlightening the World” — from copper hammered out until it was just 2.4 millimeters thick. 50. One Hundred Buddhist Parables , with the full name of One HundredBuddhist Epigrammatic Parables, was extracted from twelve canons in Xiu Duo LuoZangby Jiasina, a monk in ancient India. 51. When company name is too long, we can not put full name in bank transfer computer field. 52. Include your full name, mailing address, phone number and email address. 53. The form required me to give my full name, address and nationality in this tiny space – it's like trying to put a quart into a pint pot . 54. Used as a courtesy title before the surname, full name, or professional title of a man, usually written in its abbreviated form. 55. Id'not know you said the Battle Royal refers to that map, can give the full name? 56. Employee was opened only during checking a server " phoneticize of individual full name work number " account, other account cannot be landed. 57. If you wish to contest the payment notice, you MUST do so IN WRITING, quoting the payment notice number, including full name and address. 58. Requirement: Every send word be restricted 100 words less than, keep clear bilateral address, full name. 59. My mother always called me by my full name when she wanted to Riot Act.