ministerial造句91, I have rarely met two Ministers who take more trouble to carry out the duties of their ministerial office.
92, The most important prime ministerial appointments will be those of the members of Cabinet.
93, The provincial coalition government is already shaky, with opposition members bought off with ministerial posts.
94, To bypass ministerial demarcation lines, several territorial production complexes have been set up.
95, Clearly, so long as ministerial assurances are honoured, rate-capping can deliver only very limited reductions in total local authority expenditure.
96, Training in practical and particular ministerial skills is a secondary task.
97, Ministerial power is somewhat counterbalanced by railway management's control of internal information and by its own political resources.
98, Ministerial reaction to the faltering improvement in test results was a case in point.
99, This deeply ingrained suspicion of central government explains the aversion of teachers to any increase of ministerial involvement in curricular matters.
100, It would require an injection of supporters of the ministerial party, divorced from the tradition of the non-political career public servant.
101, A second round of ministerial changes, in the middle and junior ranks, will be announced tomorrow.
102, Henderson assured fellow executives they were safe from prosecution because of the ministerial arrangements, but next day they were arrested.
103, It concerns the whole matter of judicial control over ministerial discretion.
104, A special ministerial regional free trade meeting was agreed for October.
105, Indeed, in large measures, that could be identified as a central feature of Mr Major's ministerial career.
106, Indeed, such documentation should make reference to the source of these objectives; for example, enabling legislation or ministerial direction.
107, It always amuses me when Liberal Democrats accuse me of having a ministerial career.
108, After occupying junior ministerial office from his first year in Parliament,[http:///ministerial.html] he became Economic Secretary to the Treasury in 1955.
109, Parliamentary influence over these appointments is minimal, the matter being almost entirely one of ministerial discretion.
110, When the case came to ministerial colleagues, it was these arguments that prevailed.
111, The difficulty arises from ministerial unwillingness to curb the dash for gas or to cut-off the cross-Channel interconnector.
112, He did not sympathize with those who claimed they needed a bishop simply to minimize inconvenience to ministerial candidates.
113, This was followed by weeks of bargaining with the smaller parties over ministerial posts and policies.
114, The third function, which belongs principally to ministerial and public enquiries, is advice.
115, Too large an increase in personal taxation could lose them votes and deny them further ministerial office.
116, He won't allow anyone to defy his ministerial authority.
117, decisions taken at ministerial level.
118, They are holding a conference at ministerial level.
119, Zhejiang publicized ministerial Si Xinliang to chair opening meeting.
120, Executive Secretary, Inter - ministerial Commission on Nuclear Energy in Mexico.