px造句31, On August 8th a storm smashed through the protecting wall of a paraxylene (PX) factory in the city.
32, Before deselecting shift the selection up by another 3 px and press Delete.
33, From a pure profit considerations PX prices still has room to fall, that is, cost can continue to move down the center of gravity of the PTA.
34, Custom Width: Make your site your way with a custom width parameter. Choose a pixel (px) value or percentage (%).
35, Methods: To investigate sleeping time, alcohol concentration, MDA content and GSH - Px activity.
36, Note: The list view icon sits on 32 x 32 px artboard in Photoshop, without a safeframe.
37, level of ALT, AST, AKP, TBIN, GSH , GSH? ST , GSH? Px and liver index were determinated by colorimetric method.
38, Final art must be exported as a 32 x 32 px transparent PNG file.
39, The proposed method is applied to predict the purity of para-xylene (PX) in a PX fractionation by adsorption process.
40, Objective : To investigate glutathione ( GSH ) and activityperoxidase ( GSH - PX ) effect of undenatured whey protein on asthma childrens erythrocyte.
41, Px were higher and the content of MDA was attenuated in ( IR + L ) group.