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line of work造句
1. My line of work is entirely unrelated to politics. 2. My line of work pays pretty well. 3. What line of work are you in? 4. In my line of work I often get home too late for dinner. 5. In my line of work , I meet lots of interesting people. 6. I'm afraid in this line of work it's a case of dog eat dog. 7. In her line of work, Lucinda Dyer has to ask herself theoretical questions like that. 8. That's the way things operate in my line of work. 9. But maybe Behring is just in the wrong line of work. 10. Some, unfortunately, have simply chosen the wrong line of work. 11. I didn't go into this line of work to take the easy option every time things get rough. 12. Do you make decent money in that line of work? 13. But still, she hadn't got into this line of work to make friends. 14. I meet some interesting people in my line of work. 15. Chemistry is his line of work. 16. His line of work is right up my street. 17. Maybe she'll consider changing to another line of work. 18. How do you get start in that line of work? 19. If you're afraid of rejection, find another line of work. 20. In this line of work, you function as the veterinarian's "right hand" in every conceivable way---receptionist, bookkeeper, dispenser of medication, and an extra hand in the clinic. 21. I have nothing against Jack personally, I just don't like his line of work. 22. It should be anticipated that eventually the best qualified and experienced public service professionals will opt for some other line of work. 23. Pretty good athlete, pretty good student, but never really distinguished himself, either line of work. 24. His wife, a former social worker, gave up that line of work when she concluded it was hopeless. 25. Just try getting life insurance if you're in that line of work. 26. If you can't control your temper, you don't belong in this line of work. 27. If you want to work abroad, look for international employers in your line of work. 28. When conversation lags, ask open-ended questions such as "How did you get into your line of work? 29. Little progress is made for several weeks at a time, as indicated by the flat line of work items remaining in an unchanged state. 30. The results of these studies to determine the Snow blizzard of roads harm measures, and to guide the selection of roads snow line of work.