快好知 kuaihz

31. China is governed by a form of authoritarianism but it is a decentralised one. 32. She has long stood for an unorthodox blend of social authoritarianism with left - wing economics. 33. In North Korea, the broad, desolate avenues and drably dressed citizens make for a perfect tableau of authoritarianism. 34. My answer is a new authoritarianism, dictatorship, anti - democratic forces and vested interests! 35. In its latter days it was a byword for authoritarianism , incompetence, and corruption. 35. Wish you can benefit fromand make progress everyday! 36. In other words, these cadres have less problem with bureaucratism and authoritarianism. 37. This is a phenomenon during the transition from authoritarianism to democracy. 38. Even if Lee wins and restores conservative rule - minus authoritarianism - the transition will be anything but smooth. 39. An honest authoritarianism is better than the fictive babelism today, which is more constructive to build new nationality of China in some time. 40. For the time being, Hamas has survived without dealing with its own vulnerabilities, including its anti-Semitic charter, its disregard for the laws of war, and its propensity for authoritarianism.