standard deviation造句1. Mean and standard deviation figures therefore include these two patients.
2. Mean and standard deviation of normally distributed results are shown; otherwise median and range are given.
3. The standard deviation can usefully be visualized as the distance from the mean to the point of inflection of the bell-shaped curve.
4. The distribution remains normal but the standard deviation decreases as the square root of n, the sample size.
5. The specific dictionaries show a standard deviation of 9.95%, whereas for the general dictionaries this figure is only 5.95%.
6. Across the 15 domains they show a standard deviation of 9.95%, as compared to 5.95% for the general dictionary.
7. Error bars show one standard deviation to give some idea of the variability among the six films.
8. The standard deviation of the differences between actual and scheduled train arrival times is 90 seconds.
9. The standard deviation of the estimate of, B is calculated as follows: therefore, the standard deviation is:.
10. All maps show electron density contoured at 1 standard deviation, with the current model displayed for comparison.
11. Computative program of mean and standard deviation.
12. A volatile stock would have a high standard deviation.
13. Calculate the standard deviation based on the entire population.
14. Uncertainty of Sample Mean and Standard Deviation.
15. Both range and its standard deviation are calculated according to surface energy approximation and mean energy approximation.
16. Standard deviation of current noise is qualified to compare corrosion rates of metals with the same corrosion type.
17. The standard deviation of a well - diversified portfolio is proportional to its beta.
18. The standard deviation of a sampling distribution. It is the statistic used to make statements about the accuracy of estimates based on sample information.
19. The results show that standard deviation and coefficient of variation of indicated mean effective pressure are the best parameters.
20. Respiratory symptoms were analysed by multiple logistic regression and lung function standard deviation scores by multiple linear regression.
21. The statistic most often used to measure within-group variability is the standard deviation, although there are other possibilities.
22. Eighty-two percent of the papers are published within one standard deviation on either side of the mean.
23. Five replicates were performed per drug dilution and the standard deviation of the mean is shown.
24. In either case the system is out-of-control, although all values lie within the 2 standard deviation range. 62.
25. This variation in performance is further reflected by the higher standard deviation of the specific dictionaries.
26. The horizontal axis is now calibrated in units of beta rather than the standard deviation of expected returns.
27. The analysis of measurement data error by using rear-average method was discussed. The method to count standard deviation of indirect measurement value by using rear-average method was proposed.
28. The direct potentiometry for samples shows 100.9% of average recovery and 1.3% of standard deviation.
29. We shall standard error of estimate as a tool in the same way standard deviation.
30. The variance of a random variable is the square of its standard deviation.