prof造句1. Prof. John Willis is our teacher of English.
2. We're lunching with Prof. White today.
3. Write a note to my prof and tell him why I missed an exam this morning.
4. The prof had been damn decent about it.
5. There was no prof it in these thoughts.
6. Other academicians, among them Harvard Prof.
7. Under the revised law, says Prof.
8. Trouble is, the prof is a very private individual who doesn't suffer journos gladly - if at all!
9. Prof Henshaw's team found an indirect mechanical effect on the body, which allowed the build-up of pollutants in the lungs.
10. Prof Eno took us aside and explained about mummy rabbits and daddy rabbits.
11. Prof. von Krafft-Ebing Anna smouldered with indignation on poor Sophie's behalf.
12. Prof. Simmons will talk on the benefits of genetic research.
13. While the work of Prof Harwood is valuable, cocoa butter is not responsible for the popularity of chocolate.
14. Despite his international acclaim, Prof Gibson never lost sight of his roots.
15. "I think this was a sound decision," concurred Prof. Barbara Stevens.
16. Following the presentations Prof Ward spoke about chemistry and the environment.
17. The award recognises Prof MacFarlane's pioneering work in computing and control theory.
18. Prof Gibson is survived by his wife, Patricia, two sons, two daughters and 11 grandchildren.
19. Either the prof is a detestable chauvinist or the student is a vile schemer.
20. Prof Baker said he was particularly concerned about 236 excess deaths of patients in their own homes or Shipman's surgery.
21. Prof Wilkinson points out that the international community might not decry unilateralist intervention provided that it approves of the outcome.
22. Even on the most generous assumptions to Bush, Prof Doig says that Gore would have won by at least 1,400 votes.
23. Prof. Gish: That is true.
24. Yes. I really appreciate what you've said, Prof. Keller.
25. Prof. Thomson is one scholar of the highest attainment.
26. Timiras will be followed Monday, Nov. 3, with a free lecture by Prof.
27. The rate at which infected animals were being killed was accelerating, Prof King said.
28. London's complaint that National Power had breached non-discrimination rules was rejected by Prof Littlechild.
29. The choice of land disposal marks a change of heart for Strathclyde's sewerage director, Prof Tom Anderson.
30. The Bank denied the charges of censorship, and said the key messages of Prof Kanbur's draft had survived.