快好知 kuaihz

1. I have good vibes about this contract. 2. The vibes weren't right. 3. Sorry, Chris, but I have bad vibes about this guy. 4. Manolo decided to ride the vibes for the moment. 5. A serious contender for Vibes album of the year. 6. I seem to've had bad vibes about you lately. 6. Wish you will loveand make progress everyday! 7. Are these just bad vibes and sour grapes or is hip hop just too naughty by nature for the mainstream? 8. Lee picked up the vibes and looked with wide-eyed apprehension as I held my breath and waited. 9. But the early vibes suggest that each party is more likely to play first to its existing strength. 10. Bad season, bad vibes, still only the second-most-hated man in Cleveland. 11. In other words, many of the snobby, clubby vibes that tend to waft around conventional classical music are absent. 12. Then let Vibes soothe your frazzled retinas in glorious monochrome! 13. This isn't Vibes is it? Dance music in the On page? 14. We've been picking up some bad vibes on that guy. 15. Please leave any bad vibes outside the healing vortex. 16. I've got bad vibes about this place. 17. The new nightclub plays some really vibes. 18. I sensed nervous vibes coming from every direction. 19. Jenny gives me good vibes when I'm with her. 20. It's got vibes. It allows people to see different music. It's something new! 21. I didn't like the place - it had bad vibes. 22. In an effort to change the atmosphere last summer Good Vibes supremo Terri Hooley suggested a three-day showcase of local talent. 23. I said let's wait and see how it prints and Vic agreed but I didn't get good vibes. 24. And soon the house is breaking up with laughter and excellent vibes. 25. I've already said that the neck feels wonderful, but the good vibes don't stop there. 26. Jagged irregular vibrations up the line suggest gravel and stones, small regular vibes mean fine gravel or sand. 27. You need to do something quick to flick off the negative vibes that are sticking to your energy fields. 28. I know everything will go all right . I have good vibes. 29. LL : Uh - oh . I have bad vibes about the look Professor Jones is giving us right now. 30. Tao was out waling every day and deflecting negative vibes like the incredible martial artist that he was.