快好知 kuaihz

1. The doctor had to abort the baby. 2. The rescue mission had to be aborted. 3. She aborted after four months. 4. Helen aborted when she was three months pregnant. 5. Her lover walked out on her after she had aborted their child. 6. The plan/flight had to be aborted at the last minute. 7. They aborted the space flight finally. 8. We aborted our vacation when the car broke down. 9. The disease causes pregnant animals to abort. 10. The decision was made to abort the mission. 11. Some colds abort without treatment. 12. The virus can cause pregnant animals to abort. 12.try its best to collect and create good sentences. 13. We had no option but to abort the mission. 14. If the wrong password is given the program aborts. 15. The captain instructed them to abort the mission. 16. The doctor had to abort the pregnancy. 17. Thorns are aborted branches. 18. The rocket flight had to be aborted because of difficulties with computer. 19. Do you think it's wrong to use aborted foetuses for medical research? 20. Granada held out, and the action was aborted by Maudling's death before it could come to trial. 21. Create: Failed to create services object. Aborting. 22. General error: component transaction is aborting, cannot connect. 23. What relevant inspection should make after aborting naturally twice? 24. Unrecognized response to authentication command. Aborting authentication. 25. After aborting need to take an antiphlogistic? 26. Could not read from file. Aborting. 27. Cannot find the requried setup engine. Aborting. 28. The number of seconds elapsed before aborting command execution. 29. Error in signal handling startup, aborting! 30. It's got to be better than throwing the dice and then having amnio and maybe aborting.