快好知 kuaihz

1 England saw off Luxembourg 5-0. 2 Luxembourg sketched out an acceptable compromise between Britain, France and Germany. 3 A meeting of agriculture ministers in Luxembourg today has so far failed to reach agreement over farm subsidies. 4 Tiny Luxembourg sees the whole process as a threat to its very existence. 5 Luxembourg and United States courts have addressed the matter, and the judgments reveal the reality of these fears. 6 Only Luxembourg has met all the economic conditions for introducing the euro. 7 At Luxembourg in June, the Foreign Secretary got upset when that word was mooted. 8 Luxembourg, the conference chair, has ignored these ideas in its draft treaty. 9 Belgium, Luxembourg, and the Netherlands are collectively known as the "Benelux' countries. 10 Luxembourg produces six reputable and relatively inexpensive white wines. 11 Luxembourg is the smallest of the Common Market countries. 12 What then is Luxembourg or Dublin attractive for funds? 13 They are Denmark, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Norway and Sweden. 14 Luxembourg lies between Belgium, Germany and France. 15 Since the early 1980's, Luxembourg has become the major centre of cross - border marketed investment funds. 16 In a matter of days, Austria, Luxembourg, Liechtenstein and Andorra all agreed to lower their defences. 17 The whole issue is to be debated as a conference in Luxembourg in September 1992. 18 Little groups of people drinking or sharing pungent hand-rolled cigarettes to the accompaniment of Radio Luxembourg. 19 He was needed in the headquarters company of an infantry regiment fighting in Luxembourg. 20 From there will be wine tasting and a day trip to Luxembourg. 21 My men picked him up as he came over the Luxembourg border. 22 Fire has destroyed an area of forest the size of Luxembourg. 23 There will be no attempt to force the pace at the Luxembourg summit next month. 24 Most offshore funds are domiciled in Guernsey, Dublin or Luxembourg. 25 The following judgment was delivered in open court in Luxembourg. 1. 26 The High Court in turn sought a ruling from the Luxembourg judges. 27 It would require the unanimous approval of all member states, and Ireland and Luxembourg would be fiercely opposed. 28 Those favoring a Palestinian statehood bid include Spain, Sweden and Luxembourg. 29 Liechtenstein , at 160 square kilometers, Andorra , at 460, and even Luxembourg are all pretty small. 30 It may establish financial subsidiaries in the Bahamas, Panama, Liechtenstein, or Luxembourg to escape financial regulation.