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151. It can be provided a scientific basis for improving the actual efficiency of vortex-pump, expanding the application range, completing the internal flow model. 152. The best combinatorial parameter value for GA and the optimal scheduling result were defined after completing all experiments and comparing test results. 153. The shaman gain these bonds by completing spirit bond quests. 154. S. $17 per recipient. Additional score reports can be ordered online or by completing the TOEFL Score Report Request Form found in the Registration Bulletin. 155. The previous bank could pay the balance according to pro forma invoice only, so while completing the final loadings please keep in mind to adjust the real total amount to total amount on P/I. 156. After completing the test through treating and analysing the data of the test, we get to know that the mechanical character of the process reflects certain dampen and elastica. 157. In order to face validity, the candidates were asked for the feedback after completing the test. 158. After completing a commercial transaction, logistics will execute the transfer of goods from the supplier to the customer in the most cost-effective manner. 159. These interacting signals damage the quality of calls by call missing, low call completing rate, which affects the quality of the whole network, hence to damage the reputation of the service provider. 160. They are completing an apartment block started , but not finished, by a Turkish - Algerian joint venture. 161. Please debit my bank account by completing the Autopay ( Direct Debit ) Authorisation Form to our office. 162. For example, a login process element includes a series of activities, the log-in credential data, and log-in rules for completing a user log-in process. 163. In places like the Congo, cell phones are being used to transfer money around the country, completing circumventing the banking system as well as the more traditional money transfer. 164. When testing, you should focus on finding the maximum number of defects in order to enhance the producta ?s quality, not just on completing a testing task. 165. The higher the baseline CD4 cell count, the lower the odds of completing CD4 testing within 12 weeks. 166. After completing the Black Morass encounter , all the additional mobs zone will no longer all aggro. 167. The final necessary step for completing this redefinition of the role of the manager is to "make it official" within the organization. 168. Inside shorter time, the preparation before completing project go into operation works. 169. Among the private entrepreneurs, some of them are venturing, others are facing enterprises' overall transition after completing original capital accumulation on the whole. 170. Completing intense training, PKU Boatrace Team came back from Shanghai in the end of March. After a short rest, the team members start another span of high intensive training. 171. Upon completing a board examination, the student becomes a Certified Dental Technician (CDT). 172. Completing tasks using voice command is available in both Mango and Android. 173. Hoped that everybody can continue maintains an enthusiasm, after completing the first-aid station movement each work. 174. I'm glad to hear that they've succeeded in completing their project ahead of time. 175. This lesson a development has the certain use value after completing, with social performance. 176. Still, St. Leger says, completing relevant safety tests will take several years. 177. As requested, we will inform you of the date of despatch immediately upon completing shipment. 178. President Thomas Jefferson, after completing the Louisiana purchase, selected U. S. Army Captain Meriwether Lewis to attempt to find an all-water route to the Pacific coast. 179. What problems did you encounter setting up and completing your worksheet? 180. Commitment: a proper canalization of one's energy, enthusiasm, talent and thoughts into completing a given project or thoughts is commitment.