predecease造句 1. Her husband predeceased her by five years. 2. He didn't think that his wife might predecease him. 3. His wife of 63 years, Mary, predeceased him by 11 months. 4. His wife predeceased him. 5. He left all his money to his wife without thinking that she might predecease him. 6. His wife's name was Sarah; she was five years his junior, and she predeceased him by ten months.英文造句utilization ratiotime patternsingular pointwork surfacegeneral cargodecember 31police commissionerlow countriesnonresonantessencedbinomial distributioncanine distempercutoff frequencylamellar structureno codealphanumeric charactersutility theoryinference enginesysopcarbon brushascaris lumbricoidesalternanthera philoxeroidesclosed setdissipation factorgo someunchangeablenesslaws of the landus department of commerceatopic eczema