idealized造句61. Keep in mind that an idealized monochromatic plane wave must be depicted as an infinite wave train.
62. The water is idealized and assumed to be irrotational and non-viscous.
63. My idealized system is like bees searching for honey:they could not only fly in the small yard, but also the broad field.
64. Gaddafi's rise to power had roots in his belief in pan-Arabism, an idealized vision of a united Arab nation stretching from the Persian Gulf to the Atlantic Ocean.
65. Real crystals exhibit a variety of departures from this idealized structure.
66. I argued, in sincerity, that in my opinion that was an unreal world, because it was arbitrarily made by taking an idealized form of behaviour and saying that that was the way to proceed.
67. I realized that the center of each fish in that picture was just like an idealized picture of the branch point of a six-arm junction.
68. America once idealized the businessman who amassed a vast financial empire - the business tycoon.
69. This obviously is the limiting case of the idealized monochromatic wave.
70. This idealized version provides a simple but useful approximation to the real situation.
71. In product design, the beauty of succinctness goes along with the social trends of today, and is also the idealized style sought by designers.
72. Keep in mind that an idealized monochromatic wave must be depicted as an infinite wave train.
73. Mummifying was a way to keep the corpse lifelike, ready for this idealized form of everyday life.
74. Men want to look like the idealized men depicted in advertisements.
75. Reality has a way of diverging rather quickly from idealized plans.
76. These images expose a budding female sexuality, and call into question an idealized vision of femininity. 'Belle de Jour' was produced in 2002/2003.
77. Idealized models of distillation are essentially governed by Raoult's law and Dalton's law.
78. There are three main methods by far, nonlinear finite element method, idealized structural unit method and progressive collapse analysis method.