快好知 kuaihz

(31) Yuanyuan just said da odi. It'an adverb. (32) The Da Vinci Code: Masterpiece or waste of time? (33) Nem todos os alunos precisam da ajuda extra. (34) Every summer, attracting countless visitors and to divergent Da. (35) Howard: Da Vinic had the same napping schedule? (36) Da Zhou public move of teacher and functionary examination. (37) Leonardo Da Vinci invented the scissors. (38) O conselho da Boeing vem apoiando o executivo. (39) Da Vinci was an archetypal Renaissance figure. (40) Da Vinci is a famous painter of the Renaissance. (41) Listen and read about Leonardo da Vinci. (42) For example , Michelangelo, Leonardo da Vinci, Picasso. (43) Jeff: Jupiter and Tristan da Cunha. (44) Madeleine vanished from an apartment in the Portuguese resort of Praia da Luz two weeks ago. (45) Two schemes are developed to estimate the energy-proportion based on nondat-avaided (NDA) and data-aided (DA) modes respectively, while a training pattern is designed for the DA mode. (46) Part one introduces the current situation of the secondary education in Da Wo junior school. (47) A: Have you read the book " Da Vinci Code " ? (48) Angolan Prime Minister Fernando da Piedade Dias dos Santos welcomed the Chinese Premier in front of the cabinet ladder. (49) As an important coloured-metal mineralization belt, the middle-southern Da Hinggan Mountains area may become a vital mothball metal base in 21 century. (50) "Da Brudderhood of Zeeba Zeeba Eeta" (to quote the title of Pastis' fifth book) were not introduced until January 3, 2005; they have since become the collective fifth "main character" of the strip. (51) Da Vinci's fingerprints have already been found on da Vinci's painting of "St. Jerome" in the Vatican. (52) Leonardo da Vinci was not only one of the earliest European abstractionist, but also a sculptor, an architect , and an engineer. (53) In a copy of the works of Roman philosopher Cicero, Agostino Vespucci , a Florentine Leonardo's, wrote in the margins that da Vinci was working on a portrait of Lisa del Giocondo. (54) A - Da , Lisa, and Lisa's parents are opening their Christmas Eve presents. (55) Da ging's um die Frage , ob er eine Spange kriegt oder nicht. (56) How could a smile from a strange woman deeply attract Leonardo da vinci? (57) She smiled, and da Vinci painted her just like that. (58) Some historians have suggested that da Vinci's left-handedness added to his genius, because it forced him to think and see in an extraordinary way. (59) Opium was labelled wu xiang or 'black fragrance' by the editors of Da Ming Huidian, as Yu Zhengxie, a Qing court historiographer, decoded. (60) Finally, in the Brazilian capital of Rio, police seized 200 baby parrots, which were destined for the black market. Thank you for watching Da Ai Headlines. Goodbye.