informational造句31 With the constant acceleration of informational globalization, journalistic writing which is involved in the process of news spreading is unable to adapt to the situation.
32 Modern genetic mechanisms, including informational macromolecules have not always existed in their present form.
33 It is the best to choose the informational abstract for research report.
34 Nod factor of rhizobium , a new informational molecule, is lipochitooligosaccharide.
35 The data analysis suggests self-determined theory is capable of explain the facts of the employment, and the students can be motivated by positive emotional support and informational support.
36 But there has been a debate between function and sense, phatic and informational acts of the study.
37 You can read books, journals and internet informational sites; you can watch how-to videos or motivational seminar tapings.
38 In the digital and informational days, the service mode in the college library changes rapidly.
39 The resources available to a manager are human, financial, physical, and informational.
40 You should see an informational message box telling you that the pattern was applied successfully.
41 These new informational pages should help end users determine whether or not the add-on is worth supporting via a financial contribution.
42 Banks often bought these kinds of businesses in part because they could give an informational edge for mortgage bond trading, according to bankers that helped their institutions evaluate these deals.
43 The effect of informational external representation on Bayesian reasoning was studied from the perspective of distributed cognition.
44 Men, on the other hand, were more evenly divided in their response, but failed to show the same preferential bias for acts of "informational warfare" against the unlikable classmate.
45 Moreover, HDT is successfully applied to informational software fault diagnosis.
46 Integrating between informational technology and curriculums is the front area in subject of education technology.
47 While the informational message is a very simple widget — it does not use events or expose new methods — it should give you enough of an idea of how widgets operate.
48 We try to grope for the rule of evolvement of the interior spatial structure of informational city, and to shape a basic frame of informational city.
49 The informational orderliness could be classificated into ordered pair , informational ordered series and informational ordered network.
50 Managers are concerned with four types of resources - material, financial, human, and informational.
51 The manager's informational roles typically lead to the decisional roles.
52 The usual default actions for warnings to completely ignore the warning—since it doesn't prevent parsing and processing—or to issue an informational message and continue on.
53 The summary below is for general informational purposes only. Please refer to the full technical regulation for a complete explanation of CPSC's technical requirements.
54 In - game CRT informational display shows all of your power plant's vital statistics.
55 You can add validators on attributes, units, capabilities, and domains, and you can report the status to the model user as an informational message, warning, or error message.
56 How to advance education - informational is deserved to considered in department of education - administration and school.
57 Some of these are for regulatory purposes, but most are for informational and decision function.
58 The 21 century is a highly informational, knowledgeable and global society.
59 Modern naval battles will be modernized informational warfare, and informational thalassocracy is becoming the important aspect that disputed by both engaging sides.
60 However, because of the informational asymmetry in its development and imperfect market mechanism, it instability is growing and its strategic significance has not been fully realized.