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91. Does the frequency changer frequently report exterior hyperpyrexia , what the reason is? How the winter and does the summer exterior temperature difference value establish? 92. Knowledge on high voltage equipment, e . g. transformer, switch changer, etc. 93. In general a sealing technology involving welding in combination with expand jointing is used for connecting a pipe column to a tube plate in a tubulature type heat ex- changer. 94. If regulating equipment is needed, it may be desirable to provide it in the transformer by using load tap changer equipment. 95. This line includes mainframe extruder, screen changer, mould, water ring, lambdoidal board haul - off units, and winder. 96. This cross-country automobile also includes electric operation and control speed changer, backup tyre and displaceable oil tank. 97. Therefore has the necessity to carry on the discussion to in the frequency changer application system disturbance question, promotes it further promotion application. 98. Both regulating characteristics of on-load tap changer(OLTC)and load characteristics greatly impact power system voltage stability.