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1. Drugs such as anticoagulants, antacids, barbiturates, alcohol and tobacco may increase the likelihood of the condition developing. 2. Heparin is the most widely used and reliable anticoagulant. 3. However, the significant anticoagulant properties of heparin and its potential for bleeding complications may contraindicate its use as an anti-tumor compound. 4. Though the anticoagulant was still given to prevent thromboembolic events, the postoperative course was uneventful. 5. Objective To explore the applying value of anticoagulant fresh blood in hemacytology analyzer external quality evaluation. 6. Operation was performed 17 days later after invalid anticoagulant treatments and unavailing catheter fragmentation. 7. Stroke Prevention in Patients with Cervical Artery Dissection:Anticoagulant or Antiplatelet Therapy? 8. Objective To explore the applying value of anticoagulant fresh blood in bemacytology analyzer external quality evaluation. 9. Pick - off blood with anticoagulant aseptically and the lymphocytes were isolated. 10. OBJECTIVE:To analyze and compare the free radical-scavenging and anticoagulant activities of Total paeony glycoside(TPG)extracts in vitro. 11. Anticoagulant therapy is the treatment of choice for cancer - associated thrombosis. 12. Hirudo has higher content of anticoagulant than whitmania pigra Whitman and whitmania acranulata Whitman. 13. Oligosaccharides have many bio - activities, as anticoagulant, anti - virus, improving of immunity, antitumor and anti - inflammation . 14. Methods Anticoagulant fresh blood was filled into and send out to all labs. 15. In patients with acute PE, if anticoagulant therapy is not possible because of risk of bleeding, we recommend placement of an inferior vena caval filter (Grade 1C). 16. Hirudin is an anticoagulant directly acting on thrombin. Its molecular biological and pharmacological properties, mechanism of action, current clinical researches and uses were reviewed. 17. Improved thrombolytic therapy will most likely consist of potent specific plasminogen activators in combination with targeted anticoagulant and/or antiplatelet agents. 18. So it is reliable to determine erythrocyte sedimentation rate through heparin anticoagulant. 19. Heparin, a highly sulfated proteoglycan, is known to have strong anticoagulant and anti-inflammatory activities. 20. Relatiely minor surgical and peripheral here procedures can be safely performed without discontinuing the anticoagulant regimen. 21. Conclusion The modified method could decease the error caused by residual anticoagulant. 22. During acute normovolemic hemodilution, autologous whole blood is collected in a series of collection bags containing anticoagulant. 23. ED results from the imbalance of vasodilators and vasoconstrictors , anticoagulant factors and procoagulant factors, related mediums that regulate and direct the inflammatory process. 24. The bleeding symptom substantiated that the death due to anticoagulant rodenticide. 25. The result shows that the composite membrane has good anticoagulant properties. 26. To investigate the resistance of Rattus flavipectus and R. norvgicus to the first generation rodenticide after Bromadiolone (a second generation anticoagulant rodenticide) were used for 4 years. 27. Objective Comparing the efficacy of the first and second generation anticoagulant rodenticide diphacine Na salt and brodifacoum on commensal rodent. 28. A synthetic hexadecasaccharide. ( SR 123781 ) that displays excellent anticoagulant activity. 29. Objecdve To compare and analyze the otherness in determine platelet and its parameterby different anticoagulant tubes. 30. The article reviewed progress in research on relationship between thrombophilia and varied types of preeclampsia, anticoagulant...