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91. Note: while logged in https://icb-nfs/SimpleSRM, if you select the provisioned server and look for monitoring information, they are not available. 92. When the user exceeds disk space limit an event will be logged. 93. Investors are preparing to close out the last three trading days of 2008, a year in which Wall Street has logged its worst performance since Herbert Hoover was president. 94. Remote Assistance cannot connect because the remote user is not currently logged on. 95. The takeoff had been unscheduled, and no flight plan had been logged. 96. Baltimore presents a tough challenge in left-hander Erik Bedard, who logged one of his 12 victories this season in his only start against New York. 97. The defective nets are processed against a database of the foregoing type to obtain X, Y coordinate data on these nets, allowing them to be data logged as physical traces on the chip layout. 98. If an event or service call needs to be logged, create a logging task at the beginning and end of each service where logging is required. 99. AFK - AFK is a utility to defeat idled and remain logged into a UNIX system. 100. Minimally logged operations cannot be backed up when the database is unavailable. 101. This media contains an unknown data format and cannot be logged. 102. He has logged more than 1, 400 animals, from the miniature (one-ounce song sparrows) to the gargantuan (a 1, 500-pound black Angus bull). 103. If one of them is opened, it's logged into the security system. 104. But for less experienced users (especially for those in-laws who just logged on to see your photos or to pay their electric bill) all that cleverness is confusing or annoying. 105. If the logon was successful, you should see "The WTS sametime bot has logged on to sametime" in the Console view (see figure 6). 106. That's far more time than the average time logged by the surgeons in their game - playing heyday. 107. Event logging/audit trails If you turn on logging in archpro, archiving/retrieval will be logged into a flatfile. 108. The example checked whether or not the Audit policy was defined for an operation, and, if so, it made sure the request message was logged. 109. To my knowledge, the fire-battered mountain forest along the road has been logged completely, and now has been contracted by a private boss for planting eucalypt. 110. We're logged on, " wrote Melissa Chan, a correspondent for Al Jazeera, in a Twitter message. 111. To log in as John (use john as the user name and password), refer to the initial section of this article where you created a repository connection and logged in as the ADMIN user. 112. The file is a private file that you are not allowed to see, or you are not logged in. 113. It is highly unlikely that Obama will pursue the "revitalisation" of the US nuclear force, as he has already logged his opposition to the Reliable Replacement Warhead programme. 114. Notice that the displayed page shows that an exception occurred in the Create an account section, because the user has not logged in. 115. To display the logged in user's position we can use the following conditional expression in the Data Item Expression referring to the Parameter Map "Position Code" (Figure 20). 116. We investigate and expose the trade in illegal and destructively logged timber. 117. A few hours before Green Bay kicked off to Pittsburgh, Hoglund logged into his corporate account on Google (GOOG)—and confirmed his fears. 118. A general extension to global temporary tables, which allows temporary tables that are not logged to be completely taken out of transaction control. 119. The impact analysis mode can illustrate the potential impact based on the falling angle of the logged tree. 120. The package control log file for a particular application I run is logged to by the monitor service.