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61. It 's the capital of the canton of Geneva , second -smallest canton in the Swiss Confederation . 62. By the 1860s, Shanghai overtook Canton (Guangzhou) as the country's leading port, handling more than half of the nation's trade volume. 63. Silva said the third Air flights will be non - stop flights will connect to Luanda and Canton. 64. Tien also questions the practice that the bid-winner can reserve the plots "with a sea-view" for themselves while putting the "dubious plots" – with no sea-view – along Canton Road up for open tender. 65. You may say that I am a stick-in-the-mud , but I don't like Canton pop . 66. The enemy's design is to occupy Canton, Wuhan and Lanchow and link up these three points. 67. And Beijing, Shanghai and other cities, in the Canton area mortgage bank has been using a "counter-guarantee" system. 67. Wish you can benefit fromand make progress everyday! 68. Canton Drop Forge - a leading developer and manufacturer of closed die forgings for high performance applications. 69. Rebels were approaching Changsha along the Canton - Hankow railway. 70. Music critic say that at 43, Cheung is still without doubt one of the four if not quote 'the heavenly king' of Canton pop. 71. Healthier signs are expected for China's foreign trade judging by China's 106th Export and Import Trade Fair (Canton Fair), which kicked off Thursday in Guangzhou. 72. Back in 1831, Vittore Valsangiacomo founded a winery under his name in Chias so in the Swiss Canton of Ticino, close to the Italian border. 73. Mr. Goetschel is the official animal lawyer for the Swiss canton of Zurich, a sort of public defender who represents the interests of pets, farm animals and wildlife. 74. Their latest hobby is traveling, and they've been almost everywhere in Canton. 75. After the northern expedition beginning, the Strength of Canton government increased rapidly. 76. Guangzhou Asian Games Mascot of creativity, from the Canton city legend. 77. "You can't focus on Google alone, " says Stoney G. deGeyter, an online-marketing consultant in Canton, Ohio. 78. The anomalously warm water can exist for a long distance along the equator at least as far west as Canton Island (172oW, 3oS). 79. Canton Road, Jinan electronic market, not Bandiao do not know.