spelled造句91 Mnemosyne, whose name is spelled with some difficulty, is spelled on the lower part of your handout.
92 The Irish name for these lanterns was "Jack with the lantern" or "Jack of the lantern," abbreviated as " Jack-o'-lantern" and now spelled "jack-o-lantern."
93 It was the 2)Algonquian Indians that first gave this island its name, but they pronounced and spelled it Manahatn. Later it became known as New Amsterdam and, finally in 1664, as New York.
94 As recently as 100 years ago our word "show" was spelled and pronounced shew S H E W – just like Ed Sullivan pronounced it.
95 He then went to the blackboard and spelled out a parting message: "You are the Best and Greatest."
96 Politically speaking, the rise of the feminist movement also spelled decline for the mini.
97 The new labor unions spelled the end of free enterprise.
98 The sound spelled "miaow" is used only in talking to people.
99 These are all very simple, well-defined pieces -- they can simply be spelled out as a simple list.
100 It has the same "ending" as daggard and poniard, but the root, though opaque, is still spelled with an h.
101 Spelled - out numbers from twenty - one to ninety - nine are hyphenated.
102 But then I realized that to him I must sound like a crazy person—like one of those people who claims that he can crack the lotto draw because last night's number was his birthday spelled backward.
103 Kabbalah can be spelled several different ways - each seemingly correct.
104 So I thought it would be important for you to be among the cognoscenti and to know that it is spelled in the way that I just mentioned.
105 Parda, which is also spelled purdah, means "curtain" in Urdu, is the traditional practice of shielding women from men to whom they are not related.
106 We read in two ways: a new or unknown word is spelled out letter by letter.
107 Spelling checker: A computer program that compares a text file with a spelling dictionary and marks any words that are not recognized as correctly spelled.
108 No need to read between the lines, spelled out for you.
109 Just how badly the great recession has struck this fragile New Jersey city, which is currently the poorest in America, was recently spelled out to Gaines.
110 The inefficient use of space along with better-looking four doors and expensive crash requirements eventually spelled the end of the big coupe.
111 If you type All State Insurance in our search, results come back for people who spelled it that way.
112 But since you've been on the Doc Love coaching program, you instantly knew that those two extra seconds that she took, even before she half-heartedly said "yes," spelled trouble.
113 Saltpetre (or nitre also spelled saltpeter orniter):Transparent, colourless, or white powder or crystals of potassium nitrate (KNO3), found native in deposits.
114 That panicked America's trading partners and spelled the end of the Bretton Woods regime of fixed exchange rates.
115 The start of a war spelled a quick sharp rise in the prospects of naval officers.
116 Lye - - spelled ly - e -- also called sodium hydroxide or potassium hydroxide.
117 Later reissues bear a Medallic Art Company name. Davison's usually spelled out their last name in full.
118 The only sensible choice is to always use correctly spelled, unabbreviated names.
119 If you typed the page address in the Address bar, make sure that it is spelled correctly.
120 The genus name is sometimes spelled Necrophorus in older texts.