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political science造句
31, This combination of your political beliefs and actions is the essence of the domain of political science called political behavior or micropolitics. 32, He graduated from Brown University with a political science degree. 33, One of the most obvious yet most fascinating questions in political science is: How does politics work? 34, What is the most important question that political science should attempt to answer? 35, Economic systems and the concepts used in economics can seem as complicated as political systems and the concepts used in political science. 36, It is then illustrated using a hypothetical example from political science. 37, How well have Japan specialists used political science theories? 38, On Legality in Political Science. 39, I graduated first in my class in political science. 40, That would be an important victory for Democrats Alan Lichtman, political science professor at American University. 41, Social science disciplines include geography, economics , political science, psychology and sociology. 42, Urban Spatiality, (fear of ) Crime, and Segregation in Cape Town, South Africa." London School of Economics and Political Science, (2001): 3 - 32. 43, "What he is saying is probably right, but as finance minister, he shouldn't keep repeating it," said Keio University political science professor Yasunori Sone. 44, Muqtedar Khan, an associate professor of political science at the University of Delaware, said he was not sure the Islamic center dispute alone would radicalize anyone. 45, This is a two-year integrated project involving four scholars specializing in literature, demography , economics and political science. 46, The behaviouristic politics is a school of political science prevailing in the western countries after World War II, whose nuclear principle of methodology is its "Value neutral" theory. 47, That's the case for Christopher Paschal, 18, a freshman at Santa Clara, who intends to double-major in accounting and political science. 48, Now, the 20-year-old junior is on his way to graduating with a degree in Criminalistics , a curriculum he mapped out to study law, political science, physical chemistry and psychology. 49, Sun Xuanzhong Vice Dean of Business School of China University of Political Science and Law. 50, Laozi's thoughts involve cosmism, ontology, philosophy and political science. "Tao", as the core of Laozi's thoughts, has cosmogenetic and ontological meanings. 51, Senator Graham earned a B. A. in Political Science from the University of Florida and an LLB from Harvard Law School. 52, Xiaoping Li, vice chair of Dugong Law Firm, bachelor of law, graduated from Southwest University of Political Science and Law (SWUPL), and a present Master in SWUPL. 53, These range from physics , and liner algebra , linear algebra to anthropology, political science, -- even schooldiving. 54, John King, senior lawyer at international commercial law, received his LLB from China University of Law and Political Science in 1993 and LL. 55, "There are too many undecided factors to say whether there will be a dual decision-making structure or not," said Yasunori Sone, a political science professor at Keio University in Tokyo. 56, Previous to going to Juilliard Acting Academy in New York, Robin studied political science. 57, As a kind of political science, new institutionalist politics rose from the study of the traditional political system and introspection on behaviourist revolution. 58, I graduated from Union College with ain political science and a minor in Chinese language. 59, The alienation and anti - alienation is an important topic in political science and public administration. 60, S. in political science from the University of Oregon. His last position was as chief, Afghanistan Insurgency and Strategic Issues Section, Defense Intelligence Agency.