in this regard造句61. In this regard, I see myself as a potential gap abridger.
62. In this regard, due attention should be focused on the solution of three main problems:political orientation, the concept of life-long learning and the style of integrating theory with practice .
63. Dr. Morgenstern's indispensable assistance in this regard is gratefully acknowledged.
64. In this regard, South Korea, 25, said that some Members, senior South Korean military should be removed from office.
65. In this regard, several are given based on existing designs, eg, the SD 7037 airfoil and others.
66. Part of purposefulness, however, is not only understanding users' goals but also understanding their limitations. User research and personas serve well in this regard.
67. Along with being effective in this regard, St. Johns Wort is also useful for treating sleeping disorders, particularly insomnia.
68. Returning to a rational way of thinking, the methods in this regard should be traditionally and gradually transformed into a method of accounting system.
69. Dipa Ma's abbilities in this regard were once tested by a third party.
70. We expect the Commission on Human Rights to play a greater role in this regard and to engage in a constructive manner in discussing how to effectively protect and promote civil and political rights.
72. Nihon Keizai Shimbun of Japan: Has Japan engaged with the DPRK? If yes, can you give an introduction in this regard?
73. In this regard, the host government should bear the most responsibility.
74. If they fail in this regard, then a great business opportunity is wasted.
75. However, the lack of deep study in this regard may be said that fiscal income study is still superficial.
76. The emergence of distributed search engine can solve the problem in this regard.
77. In this regard, you may want to take the time to do some background research on any product bath soap, shampoo, what have you that you are considering purchasing for your baby.
78. In this regard, Marx's "on the 18th Brumaire of Louis Bonaparte" is a rare example.
79. Will the Chinese government request the Ecuadorian government to take necessary measures in this regard?
80. The article analyzes the necessity and feasibility of collecting social security tax in China at current stage, and suggests some specific measures in this regard.
81. In this regard, the game on Wednesday against Atalanta will be very important.
82. In this regard, sol-gel method can be used as an effective method for biomolecule immobilization and the fabrication of enzyme electrodes.
83. In this regard it should be noted that the guidance provided in WSPA's publication 'Planning and Running an Animal Shelter' relates to short-stay kennels only.
84. In this regard, public journalism as a reform movement is conservative.
85. SOA does not have the same business urgency and lacks critical focus in this regard in most organizations.
86. In this regard, a theoretical yield should be established with appropriate limits, and there should be an investigation if the actual yield falls outside the limits.
87. In this regard, the Bank gave the official explanation, saying it is to prevent the rapid disinvestment institutional investors to small investors losses.
88. If you need some guidance and suggestions regarding a pregnancy week by week journal, there are some websites in operation on the Internet that can assist you in this regard.
89. New Jersey, Michigan , Virginia, and the VSDA programs have been particularly prolific in this regard.
90. You can think of many of the poems, for example, of Langston Hughes in this regard ; and of a great deal else that goes on in the Harlem Renaissance; so that's the third phase, kinship.