快好知 kuaihz

(1) She bordered a skirt with lace. (2) Meadows bordered the path to the woods. (3) His confidence bordered on arrogance. (4) The fields are bordered by tall trees. (5) His dislike of women bordered on the psychotic. (6) His words bordered on rudeness. (7) The large garden is bordered by a stream. (8) The seamstress bordered the dress with flowers. (9) Tall trees bordered the road. (10) Our garden is bordered on one side by a stream. (11) Sometimes, the censorship bordered on the absurd. (12) It has a secluded garden bordered by a stream. (13) The large garden is bordered by two rivers. (14) Willow trees bordered the river. (15) With her blue-black qi-pao, they bordered on desperate pink. (16) Beyond the hedge untidy maize was bordered on two sides by ploughed soil, speckled white with chalk. (17) As her fears bordered upon obsession, she began deliberately re-dialling telephone numbers Charles had called. (18) Here there was a natural beach, bordered by a thin band of scrub: beyond it was the council rubbish dump. (19) He staggered across the wide path that bordered the pond and plunged into the water. (20) Three sides of the Piazza were bordered by arched colonnades, tiers upon tiers of them, like a massive wedding cake. (21) On this side of the Webi, undulating grasslands rose to distant hills, and strips of woodland bordered numerous streams. (22) When his opportunity came to seize the party leadership, he proceeded with characteristic single-mindedness that bordered on ruthlessness. (23) With three air-force pilots along for the ride, James flew along a railroad track bordered by tall trees. (24) By common consent they stopped and leant on the oak fence that bordered the field of barley beyond. (25) The last stretch of road is a narrow lane bordered by trees. (26) Julie ambled happily down the long immaculate front lawn, bordered on each side by miniature fruit trees. (27) Reichardt is currently experimenting with free-range ducks, which are raised in an open field bordered by nearby trees to provide shade. (28) All this lowland country was covered in thick bush, and large trees bordered the river and streams. (29) A strange band, they rode a jazzy musical offshoot which often bordered on directionless experimentalism. (30) Just then, he saw some one walk out of the trees which bordered the far side of the pasture.