快好知 kuaihz

1. Should I be hospitalized? 2. Most people do not have to be hospitalized for asthma or pneumonia. 3. She was hospitalized after the accident. 4. She should be hospitalized for a period of time. 5. Eight people were hospitalized after receiving bullet wounds. 6. His wife's been hospitalized for depression. 6. Wish you will loveand make progress everyday! 7. Several students were hospitalized for injuries caused by hazing. 8. He broke a leg and was hospitalized for a month. 9. They were hospitalized after they became drowsy and dizzy. 10. A friend, whom 1 admire greatly, was hospitalized after a heart attack. 11. Later that day she was hospitalized in a delirium brought on by polio. 12. She was hospitalized in a critical condition after suffering third-degree burns, and died 21 days later. 13. Cohen was hospitalized after he collapsed on the floor and briefly lost consciousness. 14. In 1998, he was hospitalized twice for it and said later he nearly died that fall. 15. In group I the mean hospitalize... 16. Hospitalize immediately if pump malfunction suspected. 17. We must also move , evacuate, and hospitalize personnel. 18. Mrs Smith seriously ill already hospitalize. 19. This is the first time to hospitalize in his remaining years. 20. Out of town on business, I was hospitalize after a minor accident. 21. With the method about hospitalize risk critical limit bound "high expense disease". 22. The mountaineer broke a leg while climbing a cliff and was hospitalized for a month. 23. Ray, 69, who suffers from cirrhosis of the liver, has been hospitalized eight times since December. 24. Depression has been a lifelong struggle for me, and 17 years ago I was hospitalized after a suicide attempt. 25. Two days later, after refusing to eat and complaining of stomach pain, Jimmy was hospitalized. 26. The researchers questioned whether parents of premature infants suffered from deprivation due to their long physical separation from their hospitalized infants. 27. Ray, 68, is suffering from cirrhosis of the liver and has been hospitalized several times since Christmas. 28. The finding is worrying because an infection that could cause just a stomachache in a healthy person could hospitalize or even kill those with weakened immune systems. 29. What percentage of the patients you treat do you treat outside of a hospital and what percentage do you hospitalize ? 30. Methods To test the vagina secretion of child-bearing age women of Cangzhou city, and put up clinical analysis to procreation canal infectious patients hospitalize, examination, and treatment.