快好知 kuaihz

1. Reconstituted and recombined milk and milk products are those that result from the recombining of milk constituents with potable water. 2. Stranded cotton is the best to use because the six strands can be separated and re-combined to make the thickness you require. 3. Make novel combinations. Combine, and recombine, ideas, images, and thoughts into different combinations no matter how incongruent or unusual. 4. The recombine of property is the main form which realizes the strategic adjustment. 5. Adopting IPN techniques to recombine PVA and water glass, shaped size of interpenetrating networks structure. 6. After business failure, held water to recombine an enterprise temporarily Party committee. 7. recombine() uses the List::Util shuffle() function to shuffle the parent population. 8. Wei Wangdi expresses, with buy recombine charge relevantly to be able to be reduced further. 9. Combine, and recombine, ideas , images, and thoughts into different combinations no matter how incongruent or unusual. 10. Specifically, they recombine destructively — that is, the waves cancel each other out. 11. When these pholes "recombine" at the surface of the Earth, they enter an excited state. 12. The dna can recombine. 13. Some of the major images occur and recombine constantly, forming into a relatively steady symbolic system. 14. These atoms recombine in pairs during the night to form molecules of oxygen gas. 15. The electrons eventually recombine with the atoms to produce the visible nebular glow. 16. Besides recombine besides, the division of labor of semiconductor industry will be more clear. 17. Should scientists recombine dna? 18. It seems likely, then, that genes from distantly related prokaryotes are occasionally recombined. 19. Genes from wholly unrelated species are being swapped and recombined, creating new entities that would never have evolved on their own. 20. So, molecular fragments, formed by irradiating a precursor, would instantly recombine. 21. State-holding joint stock company has strong sinitic feature, especially state-holding company of purchas recombine. 22. Change make a form basically have joint - stock collaboration, buy and recombine, go bankrupt shut etc. 23. Current, head office of group of Chinese oil natural gas, undertaking extensive reform and recombine. 24. With accelerating those who enclothe synchronism is sale group recombine and reach the designated position. 25. After an immeasurably short time interval, the electron - positron pair recombine. 26. That provides ample opportunity for strains to mingle and recombine. 27. We also have constructed two shuttle vector plw 9 , psc 11 m 1 which can recombine to FPV genome. 28. Up to the year 2005, XX stockjobber has begun to recombine again, and to advance to an good aim. 29. Each are big company to cut cost, hold market share, recombine alliance in succession. 30. This should see the desire that seat government and relevant unit recombine!