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north wind造句
1. The north wind cuts like a knife. 2. A keen north wind was blowing. 3. The north wind howled around our cabin. 4. They fenced the seedbeds from the north wind. 5. His heavy coat besteaded him against the chilly north wind. 6. The north wind has frozen the water in the pool in the garden. 7. Winter is coming on the north wind, and winter in the Maine woods comes to stay for six months. 8. Pine trees, swayed by the north wind, whisper; the bracken sighs. 9. A moaning north wind that ebbed and flowed like the sound of surf and ocean waves. 10. Dawn saw the north wind still blowing strongly, and a chaotic sea right to the horizon. 11. North wind is blown thorough sheepskin jacket. 12. The north wind whistled past. 13. A north wind was blowing. 14. A north wind is howling. 15. Henceforth, the north wind is worthless to the northerners. 16. Was it the angry roar of the North Wind? 17. The north wind was bitter and deadly cold. 18. That north wind is cutting. 19. The wall shelters the garden from the north wind. 20. The north wind was shrieking. 21. A north wind is whistling. 22. Only heard of the north wind whistled, inadvertently opening night of the title page. 23. The icy north wind blows and cuts people pitilessly to the very bone. 24. And when he speaks to you,believe in him,though his voice may shatter your dream as the north wind lays waste the garden. 25. But they were foolish to think they could keep what the great North Wind wanted. 26. The morning was cold, in the wake of the north wind that had frozen the fields since mid-March./north wind.html 27. Hot winds, and the sugary savor of the air! ... The squalling north wind beats against my windows. 28. Ships docking at Amnisos could well have found themselves trapped there by a north wind, just as Odysseus claimed he was. 29. He didn't even seem to be aware that a chill north wind was blowing. 30. Get afternoon ceaseless south the cold air influence below, north wind increases 4 class left and right sides gradually, air humidity drops apparently, cloud and mist is abreaction, weather fair.