attenuated造句61. Objective To study the immunity duration of attenuated live rubella vaccine.
62. Conclusion The invasive ability of virulent leptospires is much stronger than both attenuated and saprophytic leptospires.
63. Objective To evaluate the anti virus effect of combination of attenuated measles virus with 3TC on duck hepatitis B model.
64. In laboratory trials of some experimental agents, an orexin antagonist proved anxiolytic and attenuated panic attacks in rats challenged by sodium lactate, a standard agent for inducing panic.
65. Samara pubescent; leaf blade abaxially sparsely pubescent, adaxially hirsute or with convex trichome scars, base attenuated to rounded, apex shortly caudate.
66. The up GI X - ray examination revealed that esophageal varices was significantly attenuated 1 month after surgery.
67. Custom fabricated weather protective or sound attenuated enclosures to correctly fit with the Gen-Set and sub-base fuel storage tank.
68. The first attenuated vaccine disco - ered by Pasteur was directed against fowl cholera a poultry disease.
69. However, LDN in combination with cisplatin attenuated the toxicity of this chemotherapeutic agent, indicating that LDN was protective of the adverse events elicited by a chemotherapeutic drug.
70. The whole control law was obtained by applying the sliding theory and the disturbance was attenuated.
71. Furthermore, XT not only attenuated the positive inotropic action, but also delayed the following toxicity response induced by ouabain in the isolated left atria.
72. String theory, which unites gravity with quantum mechanics, offered the hope of explaining the attenuated cosmological constant.
73. Attenuated total reflectance ( ATR ) - FTIR is widely used due to its distinct advantage in studies of polymer films.
74. His countenance remained immovable, only there was the faintest conceivable tremor of the white attenuated mouth.
75. Objective To construct hepatitis A virus vaccine with attenuated Salmonella typhimurium as vector, and study its immune response.
76. Conclusion Preventive use of oculentum before iodophor disinfection reduced eye reactions and attenuated postoperative discomfort of the patients effectively.
77. Bacillus Calmette-Guerin vaccine (BCG) is a live, attenuated strain of Mycobacterium bovis used widely for tuberculosis prophylaxis.
78. The position error accumulation in long-playing navigation is attenuated by integrating pseudo range measurement.
79. By using RC absorbing circuit , not only surging was resolved, but current and voltage surging were attenuated.
80. In truth, the Russians express no desire to return to Communism as a far-reaching Marxist-Leninist ideology, whether the Soviet version or the much attenuated one in Beijing.
81. The horizontal frost-heaving force is attenuated in the process of excavation with the maximum attenuation rate being 40 percent.
82. Inhibition of phosphoinositide 3-kinase preserved cardiac function and attenuated expression of the senescence markers associated with enhanced autophagy.
83. It is uncertain whether this risk is attenuated in persons who are overweight or obese as children but not obese as adults.
84. Methods: Drug packaging materials were analyzed by ATR ( Attenuated Total Reflectance ) infrared spectrophotometry and transmittance infrared spectrophotometry.
85. An adaptive sliding mode control based on fuzzy wavelet network is proposed to guarantee the effects of the tracking error and external disturbances can be attenuated to a specific attenuation level.
86. The Attenuated Dmap Shadow file demonstrates how to fake the look of a Raytraced soft shadow using only a depth map shadow.
87. Conclusion Hepatitis A vaccine with attenuated Salmonella typhimurium as vector can induce immune response.
88. Eimeria tenella hybridization F2 strain oocysts were attenuated by chemical preparation.
89. When thiopental is administered before succinylcholine, the potential intraocular pressure associated with succinylcholine may be attenuated.
90. It is resultful to apply the sound attenuated enclosure to controlling undesirecd sound.