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31. The disconnection behavior does not change in the recursive case, except that the slot calling sequence includes slot calls for all nested invocations of the signal. 32. Mother hummingbird feeding her baby, nested in a blood orange tree in Simi Valley, California. 33. The Port of Yangon, the principal trading centre of Myanmar, saturates in the nested area. 34. Then the paper tries to make it clear how the rules are stored in active database. After that,[http:///nested.html] the extended nested transaction model is introduced to deal with concurrent control of the rules. 35. On a nested function call, Step Into steps into the most deeply nested function. 36. A nested numerical storm surge forecast model for the East China Sea is developed. 37. Conclusion Combining laser microdissection and nested RT-PCR can monitor gene expression at a single cell level in vivo. 38. In order to set up a filter condition on that SDO Record, you must use nested f:parameter tags on the download component with a value that identifies a key for the record. 39. So, I implement it to practice and see how am I difference from my school days. This implementation support nested parentheses, percentage, exponent, negative number and fractional number. 40. However, in an active realtime database system, a nested transaction model is needed to cater for the system requirements. 41. The domain model is a recursive data structure of nested objects that can be serialized as XML. 42. There is a sequence point at the end of a full declarator of an object in a declaration, but there are no sequence points associated with nested array declarators. 43. The globe rotates while nested in its lizard skin case and has a map of the solar system inside the top of the case, right. 44. Given a nested or non - nested class listing, write code to instantiate the class. 45. To support this effectively, I need to generalize my performance monitoring information and allow for tracking performance nested within an operation. 46. Nested classes can lead to more readable and maintainable code. 47. In this case, you have repeating elements within repeating elements, so the aggregation is two-fold and nested. 48. Things are different if you save a reference to the nested function in the global scope. 49. Making use of theories of nested sets, we extend these mappings on fuzzy power sets and obtain maximal and minimal extension principles. 50. In contrast, data-oriented documents have little text as such, but rather contain nested table-like structures of numeric values and simple names. 51. For the requirements of engineering design transaction, we present an improving optimistic concurrency control method which is based on the nested transaction model. 52. You use the optional prefix attribute to specify a default prefix for the key values of any nested actions. 53. You already have a little information from the grammar: The bigram format calls for two switch statements, which are the minors nested inside the majors. 54. This method returns a nested array of cell data, with each cell indexed by its row and column coordinates. 55. At least five species of turtles nested on Ghanaian beaches in the past, but today it's believed to be just the leatherback, olive ridley and green turtles. 56. First, a nested transaction model based on functional alterative tasks is given by analyzing the characteristics of real-time transactions in mobile distributed environment. 57. The data manager has one or more containers each having a mode for storing nested levels of the named data in the form of a binary tree, and also in an ordered sequence vector. 58. Note that the same TCS can be used by nested transactions, ensuring that if the nested transaction fails, the parent transaction will also fail. 59. The uniform structure of nested low-pass comb filter is presented. 60. I nested the pieces to make the best use of the plywood.