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31. The philosophical sources of structuralism can be traced back to Vicao and Kant. 32. Third, the first stippling, post - structuralism, and then methodicalness. 33. As the founder of modern linguistics, Ferdinand de Saussure also created the theories of structuralism. 34. As a methodology, post - structuralism has affected many disciplines in social science. So was the psychotherapeutic practice. 35. This conclusion is built on structuralism and Endogenous growth theory. 36. Its perceptual cause is dadaism and the rational one is structuralism. 37. In the third part, the paper uses animation and online games as the representative to analyze consumer behavior with the Graemes' Structuralism Lineup and the consumer survey. 38. Early structuralism was greatly involved with the work of Claude Levi-Strauss, who was active in the field of anthropology and who is perhaps best known for the book Tristes Tropiques. 39. American Structuralism is a branch of synchronic linguistics that developed in a very different style from that of Europe.