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in circles造句
31. She jumps up and down and runs around in circles. 32. As it crawls round and round in circles it keeps revisiting the same pebbles. 33. Without a plan you will end up going in circles and wasting your life away. 34. You'd think we were driving in circles, but we're not. 35. All that means is writing done very small, not necessarily in circles, like this one is. 36. Why do I keep walking round and round in circles? 37. We've got to solve the problem instead of running around in circles, writing letters that never get answered. 38. In jazz, sidemen often toil in the shadows, except in circles where obscurity is a selling point. 39. Spread it into cooled baked pie shell. Arrange kiwi slices on top of the filling, overlapping in circles. 40. Flight rather weak, but buoyant swimmers, like tiny gulls, often spinning round in circles and picking insects off surface. 41. The apparatus included a car that kept rolling in circles, an enormous block of ice and taped Chopin piano music. 42. My thoughts went round and round in circles, as I tried to grasp all the implications at once. 43. Mostly, they go round in circles, reflecting only the idiom of the day. 44. I tried placing the results in circles, graphically building processing elements. 45. He was like a goldfish, suddenly tipped out of its bowl into a pond, conditioned to continue swimming in circles. 46. At dawn I was still going round in circles in a five mile stack over Edinburgh airspace. 47. One boy, dressed like a refugee from Woodstock, was spinning around in circles. 48. Loved for his big glasses and silly grin, he mastered the art of playing guitar while walking in circles. 49. Soon the kids were dancing in circles and giggling. 50. He keeps running around in circles every day. 51. The...dog came scampering up...scuttling about in circles. 52. The processions wound themselves about the town in circles. 53. Or round in circles, added Spook. 54. The dog sprang to the middle of the road and began leaping and twisting in circles. 54. Wish you can benefit fromand make progress everyday! 55. Mouth options: Licking up and down, side to side, in circles, directly on her clit, around it, sucking. 56. At times , a wildebeest bull will race across the plains, prancing sideways and running in circles. 57. When you , my lover , on a Bamboo horse , Came trotting in circles and throwing green plums . 58. The caterpillar began to run about in circles and then flopped over on its back. 59. In circles ruggedly on the mountain road, a curve then curve, looks upwardly from the foot, felt that this road goes nonstop to Yunsiao. 60. Self-righting and self-circling features ensured that the craft would idle in circles at slow speeds if the rider fell off.