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fresh food造句
1) When fresh food and water are not available, the camel can feed off its hump. 2) Children need plenty of good fresh food to nourish them. 3) Make sure you eat plenty of good fresh food. 4) Fresh food is so scarce that prices have rocketed. 5) A lot of the fresh food sold in supermarkets is shrink-wrapped. 6) We eat too little fresh food, relying instead on convenience foods. 7) The health report stresses the importance of fresh food in a diet. 8) Fresh food grown organically - without using chemicals - is better for your health. 9) Fresh food and ice cream flown into combat zones: even pizzas. 10) Back home almost every meal is cooked from fresh food. 11) Should be ready Wednesday. Fresh food - not really obtainable locally. 12) Also, buying canned or frozen food rather than fresh food cuts down our vitamin intake by as much as 25-30 percent. 13) But fresh food is available to hotels, and many people have stockpiled supplies. 14) Even fresh food, if stored for long periods, will lose its vitamin content. 15) The Fresh Food Co is offering Prima readers 10 per cent off purchases over £25. 16) Fresh food is the most extreme example of the change that has come over the shops. 17) Purified water. Fresh food and ice cream flown into combat zones: even pizzas. 18) Gardening keeps you active and provides fresh food. 19) The smell of fresh food lingered in the air. 20) There is no comparision between frozen and fresh food. 21) Eat fresh food and incorporate exercise into your lifestyle. 22) The paper establishes a continuous location model of fresh food process distribution centers. Based on bringing in a monitor operator, an improved genetic algorithm is used to solve the model. 23) Recently there's been a movement away from tinned food towards fresh food. 24) The damp retreated down the walls, the gardens came back to life and there was fresh food in the kitchen. 25) As the war progressed, it became increasingly difficult to buy fresh food. 26) The safe being a large cabinet with a fine wire-mesh door to keep flies off fresh food. 27) For example, you could make batches of meals from fresh food, then freeze them. 28) They still expected to get cheap baked beans, but would pay over the odds for high-quality fresh food. 29) Social welfare advocates are looking for new ways to make healthful, fresh food available to poor families at affordable prices. 30) And that is not all. The Perishables Group is a consulting company the fresh food industry.