快好知 kuaihz

(1) He strove very hard to remain calm. (2) He strove to make himself understood. (3) The Egyptians strove with the Romans for the possession of the Nile Valley. (4) He strove for the glittering prizes of politics. (5) She strove to perform all her wifely functions perfectly. (6) She strove mightily to put Mike from her thoughts. (7) He strove manfully to overcome his speech defect. (8) In her writing she strove for a balance between innovation and familiar prose forms. (9) She strove to find a solution that was acceptable to all. (10) This doctrine strove above all else for visual effect. (11) Next day the barbarians strove with no better success. (12) She strove daily to be the perfect wife. (13) Indeed, Grimshaw strove to make it low-tech. (14) Men strove to maintain their composure. (15) He strove to make it sporting. (16) There was much activity at Brooklands as people strove to get ready for their attempts. (17) Here and elsewhere, the government strove to identify itself with new themes. (18) We always strove to get a solution that was acceptable all round. (19) The managers strove to build a culture of high standards, supportiveness, and openness. (20) And he also strove to gain acceptance and coronation for his son. (21) All major denominations strove to raise standards for lay preachers; methods chosen included free circulating libraries and denominational courses and examinations. (22) The province of the mind. People strove to be free of Nature, seeing it as something outside of themselves. (23) He strove with words as he strove with brush, pen, or etching needle to give the public equal sensations. (24) He strove to come abreast of his more favored contemporary; he was deeply discontented if he failed. (25) He strove to think on a different plane of reason and insight. (26) Jezrael could see her imminence paling as she strove for greater calm. (27) Nim strove to keep his tone conversational and easy. (28) Berenice strove valiantly to retain a serene interest. (29) Strong troop contingents strove to keep order. (30) In other words, men tended to seek polygamy, whereas women strove to marry upward with men of high status.