快好知 kuaihz

(1) Tofu can be used as a meat substitute in vegetarian recipes. (2) Tofu is a bland food made from soy beans. (3) Add the tofu, pepper and rice vinegar. (4) Tofu is available fresh or in long-life packs; the fresh variety has a firmer texture. (5) And tasty bits of tofu, all in a delicate yet flavorful broth. (6) Cabbage and tofu and wheat noodles were what we ate, with maybe an egg once a month. (7) Tofu by texture is what jellyfish are made of, all soft and squishy and unearthly. (8) Lion's eyes pumped-up, pickle with tofu boiled. (9) Stinky tofu smells rotten, but it tastes outstanding. (10) We call it a stinky tofu. (11) Dinner fresh ice - fruit congee and tofu. (12) Dice tofu and dice celery to be julienne. (13) Stinky tofu smells rotten but it tastes great. (14) A new functional food, Buckwheat Tofu, was researched and produced using the coagulator of the fermented juice of Buckwheat meal. (15) The old lady smiled, pointed at my tofu approvingly and went back to crocheting the red and white chequered slippers she was making. (16) Shreded pork, shredded dry tofu , roughly chopped Shepherd's purse. (17) Soy products like tofu, tempeh and fortified soymilk do double duty in this regard since they provide both calcium and protein. (18) Many parents have alleged that the schools collapsed because of "tofu dreg construction"[/tofu.html], a term used to describe construction projects that use low-grade cement and no steel bars for reinforcement. (19) Special Recommendation: pudding with caramel, special tofu, chicken in three cups. (20) As the saying goes, " brine point of tofu, a thinga thing. " (21) Many enjoy the convenience of popping an imitation burger in the microwave or tossing a tofu dog on the grill. (22) There are many entries which are similarly non-microwave-orientated, such as those for tofu, purees, lime and so on. (23) Bring to a boil and simmer 3 minutes. Add the tofu, pepper and rice vinegar. (24) They're also found naturally in foods like yogurt, buttermilk, sauerkraut and tofu. (25) Mung beans, asparagus, sunflower seeds , cottage cheese, pineapple, tofu, spinach and bananas could lift your spirits. (26) Sukiyaki is made of small pieces of meat, vegetables, and tofu. (27) Now, you can find the snacks such as oil cake, soybean milk, New Year's cake, fried cake, tofu jelly, tea soup, roasted sweet potato, wonton and sesame cake in Beijing. (28) Wylie Dufresne, at wd-50, in New York, invented deep-fried hollandaise, foie gras tied into a knot, and instant tofu noodles. (29) Gently pour bonito sauce onto the plate without splashing onto tofu. (30) It is used to shape the packaged liquid lactone tofu by means of heating and sterilize it by means of pasteurism.