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carbonic acid造句
1 Maximilian was killed by means of a carbonic acid injection. 2 Carbonic acid is formed when water absorbs carbon dioxide. 3 Manganese dioxide, carbonic acid manganese processing and sales. 4 To remove carbon dioxide carbonic acid from. 5 Once in water,[www.] it reacts to form carbonic acid. 6 Carbonic acid can be made into dyes and disinfectants. 7 The midpoint and equivalence point for carbonic acid are much higher. 8 Finally, the treated beverage liquid, powered by the carbonic acid gas pressure, flows into the filling machine. 9 CO2 in carbonic acid promotes the cathodic process and inhibits the anodic process of UNS G10190 steel. 10 A rising carbonic acid level means a more acidic ocean. 11 Gain Modified urea formaldehyde resin foam plastics by the carbonic acid hydrogen ammonia. 12 The Technical evaluation state that the mineral water of river Weina contains large quantities of carbon dioxide gas, ferrous metal ion, carbonic acid, calcium nitrate etc 20 varied mineral substance. 13 The liquid flows out the groove and turns into a liquid curtain for better cooling and good carbonic acid gas absorption. 14 The ore was heated in the kilns to drive off water and carbonic acid gas. 15 The present invention relates to a production method of milk beer and carbonic acid milk beverage. 16 Also eat some fruits, milk and a small amount of soft drinks containing carbonic acid gas.