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reference book造句
1. Orthopaedic Disorders A good reference book, this well-illustrated and clearly practical text would be a useful resource on any orthopaedic ward. 2. If it is in a data or reference book, remember where, but forget the details until you need them. 3. Rather, it serves as an eminently readable reference book for those considering a life in food biz. 4. The first priority is to consult a good reference book to identify the pest and choose the most effective control. 5. As a visual aid to anatomical familiarity, a reference book such as this has undoubted value. 6. It is an excellent reference book to keep around. 7. This is a most useful reference book. 8. This reference book is very useful to our study. 9. The reference book is indexed in alphabetic order. 10. Our reference book proved to be insufficient. 11. I should recommend it as a useful reference book. 12. Is this reference book of any use to me? 13. After choosing a reference book, want to see the introductive share that delivers a letter first. 14. Each dictionary and each reference book is marked with a number properly. 15. The reference book makes a good supplement to the teacher's teaching. 16. This reference book, though pubilshed ten years ago, is still up to date. 17. If you mean the word that calculate, the reference book that can buy this dietetics consults. 18. Not for circulation: newspaper, periodical, reference book, cyclopaedia , CD - ROM and video cassette recorder. 19. Can you borrow me the reference book of English you bought yesterday. 20. This is the only reference book available here on the subject. 21. Never mind returning the reference book that you borrowed from me. 22. At the library I came across the old reference Book. 23. I keep my reference book near my desk for convenience. 24. Make yourself a present of Silences and keep it by you as a reference book. 25. It contains an enormous wealth of information and is an extremely comprehensive reference book. 26. Perhaps if the rest of the writing had had the same approach we would have a worthy materials reference book. 27. A similar effect can be reached by referring to another reference book. 28. The book is clearly thought practical computer applications and tertiary students invaluable reference book. 29. It has many omissions ; even so, it is quite a useful reference book. 30. It provides reference significance for constructing the TCM database and is used as a routine reference book, but the phenomenon of the synonym and homonym should be heeded in this book.