the latter造句31, The latter initially diverted public attention from social issues.
32, The latter only applies to credit account holders.
33, The latter understanding Is preferred in this commentary.
34, This series belongs to the latter category, believe it.
35, Some even ventured that the latter were more critical.
36, The former epithet is apt, the latter less so.
37, When the latter were realigned or made anew they often met the earlier roads at a sharp angle on the parish boundaries.
38, What the former valued as a proper earthiness and sensuality, the latter condemned as mere vulgarity.
39, As in the latter case, the horse may be in eager anticipation of what is to come!
40, Acheson said that the joint chiefs of staff preferred the latter course of action.
41, A communication problem between a drawing office and a laboratory arose when the latter moved into a new building.
42, Under the latter system arable land was put under grass for a long period after which it was returned to arable.
43, The latter is accomplished by clicking on a speaker icon at the top of the screen.
44, The latter, he argues, can only be accomplished if an adequate food supply is produced within a ecologically sustainable system.
45, Now, the latter three are clearly matters of academic freedom, given the way in which academic freedom is commonly understood.
46, Other allegations against the latter suggested a breach of a contractual duty of care, false representations and undue influence.
47, Organisation theorists suggest that the latter type of arrangement is more conducive to the emergence of original ideas. 2 Evaluation.
48, The former was said to bring industrial conflict, the latter harmony.
49, In one of the latter was a cubicle with glass sides, and filled with electronic equipment.
50, Consequently, the former could not owe their form to the latter, and so magical correspondences between them were eliminated.
51, The latter provides maximum calorie burning and conditions the body to continue to burn fat hours after completing the workout.
52, The latter were neatly dressed, the girls in calico aprons, the boys in knickerbocker suits with their hair combed flat.
53, Let the latter realize that virtually nothing is going to deflect you from reaching your agreed objectives.
54, An organism assimilates another organism when it makes the latter into something like itself, as food into the body.
55, The latter, contrary to the expressed view of the Chief Whip, was aghast at the prospect of resignation.
56, In the former case the profits arose where the property was situated and in the latter case where the rights were exercisable.
57, The former began to subside as the managers progressed through the year; the latter, however, would remain.
58, The latter, meanwhile, settled in and around Madrid and concentrated upon advances elsewhere.
59, The two men, the former a steadfast Tory, the latter a dedicated Whig, had crossed swords on several occasions.
60, Torn between passing the letter to Alice or Amelia, Robert tossed a coin and settled on the latter.