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31 The radiotherapy area consisted of the breast, chest-wall and intermamary, axillary fossa and supraclavicular lymphonodus drawing region. 32 STUDY ON THE IN VITRO PROPAGATION OF RICE SEEDSEEDLINGS AND AXILLARY BUDS. 33 Racemes 1-4, axillary from uppermost leaves, villous or hirsute with multicellular hairs; bracts broadly linear, longer than pedicel. 34 The changes in lymphocyte counting of peripheral blood leukocytes(PBL), mesenteric lymph node(MLN)and axillary lymph nodes(ALN)in each group were observed. 35 Axillary buds develop into flower cluster of 2 to 35 flowers each. 36 Axillary malodor ( osmidrosis ) of Asian people, especially in the warm, humid subtropical and tropical south eastern Asia, is a common, troublesome and frustrating problem. 37 The endocardial leads required were successfully introduced via the axillary vein without major complications. 38 Result:2 of 17 cases by wide local excision, 12 cases were treated by mastectomy, 3 cases by mastectomy and axillary node dissection. 39 Axillary contractures may develop. 40 Concomitant epitrochlear axillary and supraclavicular adenopathy should raise the question of cat - scratch fever. 41 Sometimes, mammary ministry bump is very small even when untouchability arrives, already produced axillary lymph node to transfer namely, accordingly, axillary examination is very important. 42 Objective To probe an effective surgical method with little complications to cure axillary osmidrosis . 43 Objectiveo evaluate therapy results on axillary osmidrosis by full skin flap with manually excision. 44 Objective To compare the effect of enough dose of Ropivacaine on brachial plexus block between over the axillary artery and below the axillary artery. 45 Axillary node status was an important predictor of intramammary lymphatic metastasis. 46 Results All patients showed axillary node enlargement as the first sign. 4 cases of OBC were operated with modified radical mastectomy. 47 Objective:To probe into the effect of applying detaining trocar in axillary vein for transfusion of burn infants. 48 On the right side of axillary appeared what disease is a nugget? 49 The odor of the first - ching, the axillary Fang, a Huchou net. 50 It is necessary and viable to preserve ICBN during axillary node clearance for carcinoma. 51 We believe that this technique may replace axillary lymph node dissection for breast cancer patients with negative axillae in the future. 52 Methods 180 patients(138 female, 42 male) with axillary osmidrosis were given a modified radical treatment via "Z" incision basing the axillary wrinkles. 53 In a female, unilateral axillary nodes raise the suspicion of an ipsilateral breast carcinoma. 55 Nice frigate bird, I guess we call it Lesser on account of those clear axillary spurs. 56 Objective To explore the type, quantitive data and proportional relational relationship of axillary artery(AA) and its branches. 57 Flowers yellowish green, fragrant, in a terminal or axillary umbel. 58 A submersed Old World Plant ( Hydrilla verticillata ) having whorled , lance - shaped leaves and unisexual, solitary, axillary flowers. 59 Use of MRI to identify axillary node involvement is under study. 60 Objective : To evaluate the clnical significance in determined axillary lymph nodes of breast cancer with mammography.