conventionally造句1) People still wore their hair short and dressed conventionally.
2) Though not conventionally pretty , she dressed with flair.
3) Gross National Product is conventionally used to indicate economic development.
4) America conventionally attaches a rider to Israeli aid, to the effect that it must not be used in the occupied territories.
5) Although he's not conventionally attractive, he has a certain je ne sais quoi which makes him popular with the ladies.
6) Yet she was not a conventionally beautiful girl.
7) Questions about life are conventionally questions about organisms.
8) He was a well if conventionally educated man,[http:///conventionally.html] and a man of various interests and hobbies.
9) Many of the phrases that have conventionally been offered as examples seem rather artificial.
10) The cardiovascular tests conventionally used for detecting sympathetic autonomic neuropathy may not be adequate to detect a mild, otherwise asymptomatic neuropathy.
11) Though not conventionally pretty, she dressed with flair, had a brave and decisive personality and considerable vitality.
12) As with conventionally grown grains, millers will accept samples with a 2 % admixture and moisture content of 14 %.
13) The nose wheel is steered conventionally through the rudder pedals from both sides.
14) Conventionally, maps and graphic aids are introduced into mobility work only in middle childhood, if at all.
15) Contrast also grants priority to lexical expressions that conventionally convey a specific meaning.
16) Trifling though they may appear, these are the conventionally cited points of contention between the Celtic and Roman churches.
17) Ro is not a conventionally jealous man, not like the types I have known.
18) Four more test orchards were managed conventionally, with the full arsenal of chemical fertilisers and pesticides.
19) Accounting Theory Accounting theory is conventionally concerned with financial accounting, i.e. with accounting to external providers of finance.
20) Organically grown produce does not differ greatly in appearance from conventionally grown crops.
21) The medical students, in entering a traditionally conservative profession, were obliged to subscribe to conventionally repressive attitudes.
22) Gay politics here was much more about what we conventionally regard as political activity.
23) Yet, the work's direction is quite the opposite of that conventionally assigned to the fertility rite.
24) A hare squats amongst foliage, in a scene which is enclosed by a roundel supported by two conventionally interlaced guilloche squares.
25) More social history is being taught but examination syllabuses still focus on political and economic history which conventionally excludes women.
26) Effects Over the last twenty-five years the choral vocabulary has been considerably expanded to explore many sound effects never conventionally used before.
27) The baths, kitchen sink and children's wash basin have conventionally sized traps and wastes.
28) His attitude to those languid undergraduates at Bridget's party, and to writers, was not a conventionally masculine one.
29) The route follows public footpaths and bridleways for the most part which are signed conventionally with yellow marks for footpaths, blue for bridleways.
30) So, we were hardly novices at the print and publishing game, both conventionally and electronically.