warbler造句31. If a warmly warbling warbler warbles to another warmly warbler, which warmly warbler warbles warmest?
32. North American warbler having a black - and - white head.
33. Some fear the new protections might push species such as the Texas kangaroo rat or the golden-winged warbler down the same road to extinction as the ivory-billed woodpecker.
34. North American wood warbler having an orange - and - black head and throat.
35. April is the day of a dance of flying swallow of careless long warbler.
36. Old World warbler similar to the greater whitethroat but smaller.
37. To examine this, the Smithsonian scientists focused on American redstarts (Setophaga ruticilla), a member of the warbler family, at a non-breeding site in Jamaica where they conduct long-term studies.
38. Mountaintop coal mining in Appalachia clears patches of forest contributing to the decline of birds like the cerulean warbler that breeds and forests in treetops.
39. But many times too much waiting will be changed into disconsolateness because the world will be crowded as the warbler flies away and the grass gets too long.
40. The eradication of cowbirds has been going on for a while here in an effort to study the effect of their parasitism on endangered birds such as the black-capped vireo and the golden-cheeked warbler.
41. A small European warbler ( Phylloscopus collybita ) with yellowish - green plumage.
42. He was a warbler and flying very low over the water.
43. American warbler; builds a dome - shaped nest on the ground.
44. North American warbler ( Dendroica striata ),[www.] the male of which has a black cap.