快好知 kuaihz

put together造句
(31) We put together a team, leave a dim trail. (32) Will the magazine ever get put together in time? (33) The police put together a composite sketch. (34) It must also put together a package which will help to ease Britain out of the recession. (35) Lott put together a whip organization that worked with military precision to deliver the votes. (36) While the network is undergoing training, we can put together a test set from the remaining data. (37) We have put together a few of the most popular itineraries to help make your choice that little bit easier. (38) Taking careful note, Zahler then adapted the recipes for the home cook and put together this beguiling book. (39) The reengineering project did not put together a from / to job description. (40) There are these bits and pieces of evidence that you can put together like a puzzle. (41) It has put together a machine with little to complain about. (42) It was a Franco-Italo production, put together by the great impresario de Bailhac in 1936. (43) We have a vast network of brains and resources which we should put together. (44) Peter owned London Postal Services, and he offered me £5000 and told me to put together a package. (45) It is even cheaper to pool your resources with four or five other bands and put together a composite album. (46) When horses are put together in paddocks, they need to be carefully chosen for their mutual compatibility. (47) All vertebrates have basically the same building blocks but they are put together in different ways. (48) Ad hoc task forces will be put together to solve tough problems. (49) It was farmed out to Broadway people to put together, and cost an enormous amount of money. (50) And he gave it for his opinion, "that whoever could make two ears of corn, or two blades of grass, to grow upon a spot of ground where only one grew before, would deserve better of mankind, and do more essential service to his country, than the whole race of politicians put together.Jonathan Swift (51) People put together their bids only to find that the work invariably stays with the in-house team. (52) Tom taught me more about sportsmanship than all the other coaches I ever had put together. (53) Consultants, for example, regularly put together plans for their own skill and career development. (54) A lot of TV is put together by teams, by writing staffs and several different directors. It's a great, very smart way to make television. It's worked for however long TV's been around.Louis C.K. (55) At that point, you should meet with management and put together a plan for further education and development. (56) If so, is what you have put together really just a motley collection with a messy clash of styles and materials? (57) Everything about the film directs our attention to the way it, and the society it images, is put together. (58) He dates this earlier layer to 1735-6, perhaps put together for Bach's recital at the Dresden Frauenkirche in December 1736. (59) Federal authorities have tried to put together a criminal case against Zimmermann ever since. (60) As he rather gloomily put together a breakfast of poached egg and grilled bacon he felt neither particularly healthy nor particularly clear-minded.